Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So... Are you going to tell me why you're pacing the library floor?"

I stopped pacing to glare at Delilah, who was looking up at me and had a book open in her lap. Right now it was lunch and the cafeteria was closed for repairs so we were stuck in the library with half of our grade. While Delilah was muttering demonic chants and reading, I was contemplating whether or not to go see Jace tonight.

I glanced over at Delilah. No, I'm not going to tell you about Jace, I thought. Delilah would just make fun of me and plus, I needed to stop telling her personal stuff, since she never bothers to do the same.

"Who's Jace?"

"I officially hate myself." I groaned, face palming myself. Why did I always have to do that?

"That's nice to know. Who's Jace?"

I groaned again and flopped down beside her, defeated. Why did she always cause me to give in?

"It's a secret. Now answer the bloody question." Delilah demanded, not looking at me.

"Woah, easy there. Don't rip my face off."

"Sounds tempting though." Delilah said rolling her eyes. I stole her book away from her lap and pushed it in to mine.

"To kill a Mockingbird, huh?" I asked, reading the title. I'd never read the book but I've heard it was good.

Delilah made an ugly sound and stole her book back. "Stop avoiding shit. It's getting on my nerves."

"Everything gets on your nerves." I pointed out.

Delilah sighed and lifted her book over my head, threateningly. "I'm not afraid of hitting you with the book."

I flinched and moved away from her. "I can see that."

Delilah drew the book back down and motioned me to come back to her. I rolled my eyes but obeyed, coming over to sit beside her again. "Tell me who Jace is."

I groaned. "Fine. He's my-"

Hold it right there; What was Jace to me? My boyfriend? My friend? Or my foe? I didn't know the answer, but the last option seemed about right, at the moment.

"So he's your friend, turned boyfriend and now's your foe?" Delilah inquired.

I looked at her shocked, yet scared. "You're a fucken mind reader."

"Fuck you." Delilah cursed, hitting me in the arm with her book. God, with her additude she wasn't going to get a girlfriend anytime soon.

"You thought that out loud."

I jumped as Delilah's annoyed voice cut through my thoughts. "I'm sorry! I do that when I'm worried, happy and yeah, basically every emotion."

"Uh-huh." Delilah nodded, standing up. "It's nearly end of break, we should start walking to class."

I agreed, got up and started walking beside Delilah. I sighed, still at loss about what to do about Jace. Should I take a leap of faith and go see him? Or should I ignore his request and try and move on. Most of all, should I tell Drew about this?

"Hey, Del." I said, elbowing her in the side.

When her head whipped around to face me, I saw that she was glaring at me sharply. "What?"

"I'm going to go call my brother."

"Yeah whatever, piss off." Delilah gave me a tight smile and walked off, leaving me alone. I shrugged and walked into an empty classroom, pulling out my phone.

After a small moment of hesitation, I dialed Drew's number. He picked up after two rings. "Ash?"

"Hi, Drew." I said.

"What's wrong? And why are you calling me during school? I told you to text me, not call me. And that brings me to ask: Where the hell were you last night? I swear-"

"Jace called me." I said, annoyed. I was seriously regretting calling my brother. I mean why did he feel the need to freak out over everything? I can handle myself.

I heard Drew curse under his breath. "Tell me what happened."

I recounted what had happened with Jace to Drew, quickly. He stayed silent for another moment after. "Go. Please go Ash. We need to know if he is really okay."

"If you want to know, why don't you go yourself?"

Drew sighed. "Ashy, he wanted you. As much as it hurts that he didn't call me instead, he won't want to see me. You need to go."

I sighed. "Remind me why I call you for anything?"

"Don't be like that. Just do it, please."

I shrugged to myself and looked out into the empty hallways. I was late for class, Jace was being a jerk and my bother wanted me to see him. What's next?

"I'll think about it." I finally said, feeling a headache coming on.

"Thank you, Ashy. I've got to go back to class."

"Alright." I said getting ready to hang up, but Drew stopped me.

"I, uh love you." Drew mumbled. Hearing my bother say I love you without a reason, was odd. Our family was never big on 'I love yous' and Drew and I certainly entertained that fact.

"Yeah, you too." I said awkwardly, hanging up. My headache felt like it was getting worse, I noticed as I shoved my phone back into my pocket and slumped back against the wall, not caring that I was late for class again. All I seemed to care about right now was Jace and as much as I hated it, I loved it too. It brought a little bit of familiarity to my chaotic life. Everything had changed except me worrying about Jace, which I had come to realise that I'd always done. Jace was such a strange person; strong yet weak and kind and loveable at the same time.

Maybe I should take Drew's advice. Maybe I shouldn't. I also couldn't get that old man I'd met on the bus, who had claimed to work with my mum, out of my head; did my mum really care about me? I felt dizzy and grabbed onto the classroom door for support.

Before I knew it, I felt my legs give in and my body fall to the ground, my mind in a daze...

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