Chapter Thirty-Five

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"So everyone, please revise page 16 and remember to study for the assessment that you will have to complete tomorrow."

I sighed and got up from my seat and walked down the wooden stairs. I breezed pass my lecturer, who smiled me and waved me out of the classroom.

Mr Manis wasn't such a bad guy; he was laid back and funny, but he also knew when to be serious. And that is a must when teaching 19 year old Uni students like ourselves.

When I first got to university I was freaked out. There were so many people and so much things to remember, but now that I'm use to everything it's a breeze. Especially since Delilah came here with me. Which is who I was going to go meet now.

Once out of the building, I crossed a busy main road and walked about five minutes to a small Deli. Delilah smiled when she saw me and stood up to hug me. We haven't seen each other much in the past few weeks, since we were both busy studying to get our degrees; Her in business administration and me in creative writing.

"Del you're hugging me too tight." I said, trying to untangle her from myself.

Delilah laughed and let go, punching my shoulder as she did. "Whatever man."

"No seriously," I said as we both sat down. "You're going to crush Samantha one day if you keep hugging like that."

Sam was Delilah's girlfriend. They'd met on their first days of their courses and became best friends and that soon became a relationship. After Delilah and Sam got together I quickly noticed a change in Delilah. She became more open and fun, but she still had her moment's. She still was very much like Jace, that's why I refuse to ever let them both meet. Imagine the chaos that will cause.

"Oh shut up, Asher. Finish my chips for lunch." She said with a smile, pushing the leftovers of her hot chips in front of me. I happily started digging in while Delilah told me all about her step brother's wedding that she's dreading attending.

"I just don't know why he wants me there. I hate him. He hates me. We hate each other. I didn't ask for a brother." She said crossing her arms like a little kid.

"At least you still have one." I said a little too harshly. I missed Drew a lot but I wasn't angry about what happened anymore. I was just numb. Though I think Jace is doing most of the grieving over Drew for me.

Delilah's face changed and she frowned at me awkwardly. I knew why she was uncomfortable. I mean, I would be too. What do you say to someone who was still talking about his dead brother nearly a year later? You say nothing. Or at least that was the strategy Delilah was going with.

After a short minute of silence I went back to listening to Delilah rant until I decided to head home because I need to study all night. I love Uni but man, it's hard fucken work. Especially with Jace around. I hope he isn't drunk when I get home.

"I'll beat the shit outta him if he is." Delilah warned.

"Did I say that out loud?"

She looked at me like I was stupid. "No shit."

I laughed and shoved her playfully. "I hope he's not."

Delilah nodded and sighed. "Well I better run before I miss my bus."

I nodded and waved Delilah off, heading down high street towards the city center.


"Jace. Come on, sit up." I said sternly to my boyfriend who was slouching against the couch of our Melbourne apartment. He had a vodka bottle in one hand and his phone in another, probably thinking he was going to call someone to go partying with.

Jace had so much going for him, and for a while after Drew's death he was doing okay. But now he's closed off, angry and self destructive. The only things he's got now are me, vodka and his lacrosse scholarship. (Which I have no idea how he still has. He hasn't turned up to a training session in weeks.)

"Fuck off Ashy." Jace mumbled trying to push me away from him with his foot. I rolled my eyes and put my hands up in the air, surrendering. There was no point trying to reason with him.

I watched helplessly as Jace stumbled towards the door, knocking down countless things on his way. It was sad watching him ruin himself like this, and sometimes I think that I could have been like that if I didn't make that promise to Drew. I was going to live for Drew. And maybe I'll even live for Jace.

Is it strange that I miss both of them? I mean missing Drew is normal but I miss who Jace use to be. I miss that carefree, a little less complicated guy that I fell for in high school.

I rubbed my eyes as Jace slammed the door shut. He wouldn't be back until the early hours so I decided to have a shower and then study.

Ten minutes, once I'd showered and dressed, I flicked on the TV to the music channel and listened to some 80's classics. I pulled out my school textbooks and settled in for a night of studying.

All while thinking of three things; If Jace was okay, If Drew would laugh his ass off at the sight of me studying and if the person I use to be is still out there somewhere.

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