Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Asher William—"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Look, you don't have any right to tell me whether my boyfriend is allowed to see me or not." I said.

Dad glared at me. "Your a disrespectful boy, Ash."

I waved away his words. "Yeah, yeah."

It was morning and that Trey guy had picked up Jace last night and dropped him back off at the hospital this morning. Why I was still here was beyond me, but it looked like Drew, Jace and I were talking under fluorescent lighting.

When dad found out that Jace wasn't gone for good, at the ripe old time of six am, the shouting began. At one point after seeing Jace, dad had been asked to leave the building by hospital staff. And let me tell you; that brought me great joy.

Dad looked as if he was going to punch me, but instead he turned around and went back to bitchface and mum, whom were both hating on each other silently in the hospital café. How they're not killing each other yet, is a true miracle.

I smiled to myself when dad was out of sight and went back into my room, seeing Drew sipping on a coffee. I hadn't spoken to him about last night, but I planned to do that right now hence why I had ordered off Jace to fetch me coffee earlier.

Drew looked up as I sat down. "Dad's not too angry right?"

"Well he's not the only angry one." I shot Drew a pointed look.

Drew bit his lip and looked away from me. Drew not cool, calm and collected wasn't a Drew I liked. "How could he have just left? It was easier to pretend that he hadn't just skipped out on both of us when he wasn't around."

I nodded to myself. Drew made sense, hell he always made sense. I just didn't have enough energy to fight with Jace last night or even talk to him about his reasons — though I didn't think he had good ones anyway. I felt like asking Drew when he'd grown balls.

"Jace asked if you would ever forgive him." I said quietly. Drew looked skinner these days and more sullen. Why hadn't I noticed? I'm a horrible brother.

Drew laughed humorlessly. "I've known him since I was a little kid. Of course I'll forgive him. I mean, that's what I do right? Forgive people that don't deserve it. Jace, mum, dad and Macie—"

"Macie?" I asked. I hadn't known that she had done something wrong.

Drew blushed and ran a hand through his hair. "She kissed me. And then went back to Louis."

My eyes widened and my mouth was hanging open. "So that's why she isn't here."

"I'd assume so."

"Well damn." I said shocked, just as Jace entered the room coffee less. He shrugged at me and sat down beside me, purposely avoiding Drew's gaze.

"Your dad was trying to kill me."

I sighed. "Of course he was. I'm not surprised."

"Why are you acting like this is all okay Jace?" Drew asked suddenly, his voice small but forceful.

I watched as Jace's eyebrows went up and he looked away. "I'm sorry."

"That doesn't answer my question Johnathan."

Oh no. Drew used Jace's full name. Now there was trouble. Even his parents — whom hated nicknames — didn't call Jace Jonathan.

"I left because I didn't belong there anymore Drew. I couldn't live with my parents." Jace blurted out and then turned to me, "And Ash your life was falling apart and I couldn't do anything to help."

I'd never seen Jace like this, so naked, so defenceless. If anything you could always count on Jace's walls being up. They were what made him, him.

Drew shook his head, seemingly not understanding Jace one bit. "You always belonged with me Jace. You are my best friend, and when I needed you, you weren't there!"

"Drew—" Jace started, getting up just as Drew stood up.

"No! You were gone for months and you didn't even pick up my calls! Ash might be able to forgive you but I sure can't. Not yet." Drew shouted, leaving the room.

I groaned. "Smooth."

Jace scowled at me. "Shut it."


Jace ran his hands over his face and through his hair. "I'm going after him."

I snorted. "Sure, it's your funeral."

Jace glared at me and left after Drew. I leant back on the bed and sighed. "Great, all alone again."

I pulled out my phone and decided to call Delilah, since I had a dozen missed calls from her. I also didn't want or need to think about anything going on right now so she was a good distraction.

"Ash!" Delilah said when she picked up. "I heard about you fainting, are you okay?"

"My lord. I fainted, it's not that big of a deal. Why do you care so much?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't care about you, no one does." Delilah grunted.

I laughed. "There's the Delilah I know and love."

"Oh goody I'm loved." Delilah said, attempting sarcasm.

I cringed. "Please do not try and use sarcasm again."

"Trust me, I won't. When are you getting out?"

"Today. Also Jace is back. How's your day been?" I asked cheerful. Good on you Ash, subtle as always 

"That guy that made you annoyingly pace the floor the other day?"


Delilah groaned. "My life was drama free before you came along."

"I wonder why.." I said, thinking of Delilah being a loner and watching the hot popular girls like a stalker.

"Ash!" Delilah shouted. "I do not watch girls!"

"Doctor! Sew my mouth shut!" I shouted to no one in annoyance.

Delilah laughed "How's stuff going with Jace being back?" She inquired.

Just as Delilah asked that, Jace came grumbling into the room. "I have to go." I said to her and hung up on her, chucking my phone across the room towards the chair in the corner.

Jace plopped himself down on the other chair in the room. "He hates me." Jace wined.

I shook my head. "He doesn't hate you, he just has a very strong dislike for you right now."

"I really didn't miss your sarcasm."

"I didn't miss you." I said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't have missed me either."

I rolled my eyes and came over and sat beside Jace. "I hate what you did but I don't hate you."

"I've hurt so many people."

"Oh stop wining." I joked, although my heart wasn't in it.

Jace cracked a small smile and kissed my mouth ever so softly. "I love you."

Suddenly Jace pulled away and put his head in his hands. "I didn't mean that!"

"Lucky me. No one loves me." I said, even though I was shocked. Did he really love me? It seemed so inappropriate to say right now, considering everything that was going on.

"Ash." Jace groaned. "I didn't mean that I don't love you—"

I leant forwards and kissed his forehead. "I know." I love you too, I thought. Although I didn't dare say it...

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