Chapter Nine

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**Ash's point of view**

"I don't like you, Asher."

I smirked as Drew hit me with a pillow again, despite my attempts to move away.

"Oh, you love me. I'm loveable, remember?"

"I'm pretty sure I was high when I said that," grumbled Drew, giving up on abusing me with a pillow. He sighed and looked at the seat next to me on the couch.

"Or maybe you were just drunk? Like that time when I had to haul your ass up to your room." I teased, earning a punch on the arm from Drew. I let out a whimper, cowering away from him. "You're goddamn heavy, you know? And Jace wasn't any help!"

"He never helps." Drew sighed. I actually had a miniature heart attack when Jace showed up at the door last night and asked me to help him with Drew. And as much as he'd probably deny it, I know he was staring at my ass. That dude's bloody obvious.

"No shit, Sherlock." I muttered in response, my mind still on Jace. I needed - wanted - to help him. I knew he was afraid, just like how I was when I realised I was gay, but I wasn't a huge fuckboy either. There was also that sad look in his eyes, that I knew was caused by his parents.

Who was I kidding, anyways? Jace was a stubborn idiot. I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn't.

"I spoke to him about you last night." Drew stated, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I pretended to be uninterested and focused my eyes on some stupid TV show that was on at the moment.

"I must be hot shit, then, aye?"

Drew punched me in the same spot he'd hit me earlier, resulting in more pain and whimpering.

"You're annoying, Ashy."

"What did you two talk about?" I questioned, changing the subject.

"I said I forgive him because he said sorry." Drew informed me lamely.

Nice to know a simple 'sorry' can work wonders. Next time I steal Drew's gummy bears, I'll be sure to say sorry - that is - if he ever catches me.


I winced and rolled my eyes.

"I really need to learn how to speak in my head." I stated before realisation hit me."Wait. Stop eavesdropping on my private conversions, Drew! You're in the wrong, not me!" I scolded, whacking him with a pillow, much like how he did to me earlier.

Drew desperately tried to fight off the pillow as the front door swung open and revealed our very tired looking mother. I attempted to jump up but Drew held me down.

"Mother! Drew's trying to kill me!" I yelled.

Mum chuckled and sighed. "Sorry I'm home late. I had to work my usual night shift, then all day today." She said, sitting down next to Drew.

"Okay, but I'm still getting murdered here."

"Andrew, get off Ashy." Mum said calmly.

I jumped up, glaring at Drew as he let me go, before pouting and turning to face Mum.

"Mother! This isn't fair, I'm not a child! Stop calling me Ashy."

"Alright, Ashy. Andrew, I'm going to bed and your father called, saying he wants to see both of you." Mum said, raising an eyebrow at both of us.

"No." I deadpanned.

"Alright." Drew said, calmly. I knew he had forgiven dad from the last time they spoke, though I could never. Seeing Drew lose his cool like that terrified me.

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