Chapter Nineteen

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"Drew. Calm down. What's wrong with Jace?" I asked in controlled patience, even though I wanted to show my worry. However I couldn't have Drew growing more distressed.

"His parents are looking for him. He just...disappeared? That's probably not the right word to use but Ash, he hasn't been to school for a few days and I thought it was normal but now it's not."

I groaned. "He hasn't spoken to me in a few months Drew."

"Really?" Drew asked surprised. "After you left he got involved with some of Damo's friends. Ash I'm worried. He called me last night and asked if his parents were looking for him yet."

"Drew I'm in the North Side not the South Side. I can't do anything." I said to him, leaning against some lockers. This was too much to take in right now. First Jace hadn't spoken to me for months and then he just disappears?

"Mum called dad. She thinks you know where he is." Drew said flatly.

I hit my head against the lockers and sank onto the ground. "Oh fun."

"So you're sure you haven't heard from him?" Drew asked for what seemed for the tenth time.

"Yes, Drew. I'm fairly sure I haven't heard from my boyfriend in months. I'll try and call him again. I have to go though." I said, feeling anger rising up. I needed to cut this conversion off before I took my anger on Drew.

"Okay. I'll see you tonight?"

"Tonight." I confirmed and hung up.

Drew had said Jace had gotten involved with Damo's friends and that couldn't be good. Damo ran with gangs and criminals. Had Jace had something happen to him? Or had he just left because of his parents?

I closed my eyes, wishing I had a bottle of vodka to calm my nerves. Though, I'll just finish off the bottle I took from my dad's liquor cabinet last night when I get home. I slowly pulled myself off the floor and made my way back inside the cafeteria, returning to mine and Delilah's table.

"Everything okay?" She asked, closing her book.

"Oh look, you know other words than 'shut up' and 'go fuck yourself'". I said sarcastically.

Delilah glared at me. "I've noticed that whenever you're upset, your sarcasm is more frequent."

I scoffed at her, hating that her words were true. "What are you? A fucken shrink?"

"No," She said getting up from the table. "But I'd make a great one."

I rolled my eyes and copied her. We both made our ways into the halls and towards our shared class. It was weird that this school had some subjects for Juniors and Seniors to do together.

As we walked I couldn't help but let my thoughts trail off. I was angry at Jace for ignoring me but what if it was because of a good reason? I mean we're fucked up kids from well off families. Getting involved with people like Damo's friends was what we did - especially Jace. But what if he took it too far this time?

I hated this. I hated not knowing anything.

"Ash. Look alive aye?" Delilah said annoyed bringing me out of my thoughts. We were in our shared class, sitting in the back row. I turned to her and looked at her with a blank expression.

"Looking alive? That's still a thing?"

Delilah gagged. "Don't play that emo bullshit with me."

"Have I ever told you that you remind me off someone I know?" Jace, my mind played.

"Everyday." She said deadpanned, turning to face the front of the classroom.

I sighed and got lost in thought for the rest of the day's classes. Once the final bell rang, I made my way to my locker where Delilah was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." She grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and took my books out of my bag and shoved them into my locker. "I can go back and take longer if you want."

Delilah mumbled under her breath and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me out of school. She let go of my shoulder and we both walked back to my house. I was hoping that Leyla and dad wouldn't be home so dad wouldn't pester us with questions, like if Delilah was my girlfriend. That idea just said shivers down my spine. I pity any girl that ever dated Delilah.

Once we reached my house, I unlocked the house and Delilah and I went into the kitchen to find Leyla cooking. Her light blonde hair was tied up in a high pony and her eyes were focused. Though, as we we walked into the kitchen she looked up and smiled at us.

"Hey kids."

"Yo." Delilah said, while I just stayed quiet. I had no interest interacting with the woman who ruined my family.

"Where's Mr Sage?" Delilah asked.

Leyla smiled warmly at her. "He's still working dear."

"We're going up stairs." I mumbled, pulling Delilah upstairs before she could reply. When we reached my room, Delilah jumped onto my bed and grabbed my DS.

"You're such a nerd." I said, laughing.

Delilah didn't look up from the screen. "Go do that thing you do with your phone everyday after school."

I sighed and left my room and went to the bathroom, locking myself inside. I couldn't risk dad or Leyla hearing me calling Jace, which was what I did everyday after school.

I rang Jace's number. "Hey it's Jace. Leave a message - make it good." The voicemail said, as I mouthed along to it. I've heard it too many times not to do so.

I sighed. "Alright that's enough. Where are you? Yes Drew told me about your call and you disappearing. Cut the shit Jace. Call me."

I huffed in anger as I hang up the phone. I stomped out of the bathroom and back to my room, seeing that Delilah was still playing on my DS.

"You seem mad." She said, not looking up.

"I'd seem even madder if you looked up." I snarled, taking a seat on my desk chair. I looked around my room and despised what I saw. There was a picture of Jesus in the right hand corner, a bible on my bedside table and a whole lot more of Christian shit. Dad hadn't let me keep my band posters or anything remotely close to a bad influence.

"Hence why I'm not looking up."

"Good idea." I said, taking out my phone and opening Jace's contact.

To: Jace the semi cute boy

I'm loosing my patience. Jace please just answer me okay?

I groaned again and threw my phone onto my bed almost hitting Delilah in the neck. She looked up immediately.

"I'm going to go before you kill me." She said getting up from my bed.

I shot her an apologetic look. "No don't go."

She sighed and ruffled my hair. "Sorry Asher, my mum wants me home anyways."

I pushed her hand away. "Alright! Quit it. Go away!"

Delilah laughed and left my room. I leant into my desk chair and rubbed my eyes. I felt like I hadn't slept in days and it wasn't like I was going to get any sleep at mum's house tonight.

I mean, someone had to look for Jace.

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