Chapter Eight

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**Jace's point of view**

After I had fled from school, I'd gone straight home. I couldn't believe I'd kissed him, Ash was like my little brother and I was straight! Wait, was I?

Of course I was, just because I wanted to kiss Ash didn't mean anything. I was perfectly happy fucking girls.

Although, god, I was jealous. I saw the way Ash looked at Louis, and I wanted him to look at me like that. What was I thinking? He was never going to, not after the way I treated him.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, then got off my bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I hadn't eaten all day because I was stressing out about whether Ash hated me or not. I wouldn't blame him if he did anyways, I hated myself too.

Sighing, I took an apple out of the fridge and bit into it. My parents wouldn't be home until later tonight and I couldn't cook. I usually went over to Drew's for dinner but he didn't want to see me. I'd called him last night and explained everything to him, hoping that he'd just laugh it off, but it was a stupid thought. I knew how protective Drew was of Ash ever since their dad left them. It was obvious that their dad leaving had affected Ash the most. I mean, he could put up a good sarcastic façade but I knew how lost he was without his dad: they'd been quite close when Ash was younger.

I finished my apple and chucked the core into the bin, deciding that I'd call Drew and see if he was still mad at me. I dialed his number and after three rings he picked up.

"What?" Drew grumbled through the phone.

"Let's go get drunk." I said. Drew would never pass off an opportunity to get drunk, especially with my brother.

"Is Damo going to be there? If he's not, then I'm not coming."

"Yeah, he is." I responded. I'd have to call Damo to see where he was. I think he was staying with his mates.

"I'm still pissed at you, but I'll be at your house in ten."

"You sound like Ash." I said. They both decided that they were pissed at me, yet they still spoke to me. The Sage brothers were weird.

"I wonder why. Bye, asshole." He said hanging up. I dialed Damo's number and told him that I'd meet him in the alleyway we used to sneak off to when I was 14. Our parents caught us sneaking out at midnight every time, but the thrill of it made it worth it.

Ten minutes later, I heard Drew pull up in my drive way and I went out to meet him. I got into his car and turned to him, "Drew, I'm sorry. Can we just forget everything?" I hated how soft I was being, but I needed to be when talking to Drew about Ash.

He sighed and shot me a glare. "Remember when Damo, you and I were at the club and it was our first time drunk?" I nodded at him, wondering where this was going. "Damo said to us, 'Let's get drunk and say everything we can't say sober.'  Jace I'll forgive you, but I can't promise I'll be nice when I'm drunk."

"Yeah, okay." I said, not really knowing what else to say. Every time I got drunk around the Sage brothers, I felt true fear. Fear that my feelings for Ash might come out. Those fantasies I had when I was fucking girls, I couldn't let Drew or Ash find them out.

Drew drove to the alleyway and we both got out. I saw Damo sitting on the concrete, drinking some vodka. I took the bottle out of his hands, which caused him to punch me in the arm.

I winced and hit him back. "Ow, you fucker."

"Don't steal my alcohol, Jace!" He shot back, taking the vodka back. "Grab a beer."

I picked up a beer as Drew sat down next to me. "Hey, Damo." Drew greeted him, grabbing a beer.

"Hey, where's Ash?" Damo inquired.

I could feel Drew's glare even though I wasn't looking at him.

"Ask this idiot." Drew replied, slapping me upside my head.

"I'm not sure I really want to know what he did," said Damo and continued to drink. For the rest of the night, we played stupid games, laughed our asses off and drank until late into the night.

"I better get Drew home before his mum beats us to it." I said, grabbing Drew's hands and helping him up. He glared at me but accepted the hand. We walked back to his car after we said bye to Damo and got in.

"I'm driving." Drew slurred, grabbing the steering wheel from the passenger seat.

"No, you're not, buddy." I said to him, shooing his hands away. I may be slightly drunk, but I wasn't as drunk as Drew was, I'd be fine to drive.

"You're an ass, you know!"

"Yeah I know, I've been told." I said, thinking back to mine and Ash's conversation.

"Why'd you do that to Ashy?" Drew asked as I drove. I didn't want to have this conversion right now, and preferably never. I shrugged at him and continued to drive.

Once we got to Drew's house, I got out of the car and knocked on the front door with Drew still in the car. I knew Ash would answer the door, but I wasn't taking care of Drew at my house tonight. The door opened and revealed a very tired and cute looking Ash. God, Jace, he's not cute.

He raised his eyebrows at me and cocked his head to the side. "Yes?"

"Drew's in the car, drunk. Can you help me carry him in?" I asked, trying to look away from his eyes. God, he had nice eyes.

Come on, Jace, not right now. I thought to myself and groaned in my head.

"Sure," Ash said and brushed right by me. I watched his ass as he got to the car, despite my attempts not to.

God, this boy was going to be the death of me.

I hope you enjoyed Jace's point of view.

Edited by: LarryShipSails

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