This Is The Best Day Ever

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An hour passed.

then two hours. 

then three hours. 

and then a message appears on my phone.


Brynna: Come downstairs, Mr. Smalls needs you.

Me: Why

Brynna: XD can't tell you!!!

Me: Fine

Brynna: Mr. Smalls said be speedy

Me: Tell him I'm walking now.

I took off my headphones and jammed my phone into my pocket, this is usually when everyone is gathered who wasn't chosen and is told who was. Kinda brutal, but it helps with saying goodbye when everyone is there.

I walked downstairs and once they saw me there was a hush. I was usually the last one down, but why did they all get quiet and stare like they are? Im scared. "Come here Achlea, I have some news for you." I walked to the centre of the room, "I have some very good news for you. You're going to be adopted!" Everyone cheered and I was so happy. "Frank and Jamia are waiting for you to work out your adoption." I smiled. I can't believe I'm getting adopted by Frank and Jamia!

Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now