Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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Jamia showed me to my room (It was upstairs) and Frank helped me with my stuff.  It was a really really really big white room with a bed and an attached huge bathroom. Frank offered to help me unpack, but I said no. Jamia came back with a glass of orange juice but that was the last I saw of them before I finished unpacking. 

"ACHLEAAAAA" I heard a voice calling downstairs that sounded like Frank. I walked downstairs and Frank said, "How would you feel about some furniture shopping?" I exclaimed "THAT'D BE AWESOME!" he gave me a hug and said "Okay. We leave in an hour. I already have the dimensions of your room, and if you want you can go back upstairs and figure out what type of theme and furniture you'd like. I'll grill you a cheese if you'd like." I smiled and said "That sounds good!" He smiled and walked to the kitchen while I hopped upstairs.

I went to my room and decided I needed...

1. A nightstand

2. A bookshelf

3. A desk

4. String lights

and that was it that I could think of. I thought maybe black and red Revenge theme. That sounds good. I was so excited and I really was so happy to have such a great family. 

I'm finally home.



Hey! This was kinda a short and bad chapter but I'm kinda preoccupied with a lot of things. But thank you for reading! I promise I'll make a better chapter. 


Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now