That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)

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*Fast forward a few weeks, not too long. Keep in mind school is out at this point, it's been summer for two weeks*

"That was awesome!" James gets up from the table. "I'll handle the dishes, sweetheart." Mom kisses Dad on the cheek as he says, "No way. You carry the children, I carry these dishes. Achlea and James are not obligated to help but it would be delightful if they would." "Just about to say so, sir. Mrs. Iero, please do rest." She smiled, "You are so charming." She patted him on the back and sat at the couch, across from the kitchen.

I ran to the kitchen. I cupped my hands under the water and pushed Dad out of the way briefly. I ran towards James and spilled water all over him, he started laughing and said, "I'll get you, Iero!" I giggled and ran. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, and he put his arms quickly around my waist and kissed me, my eyes were bulging and I was confused. He said, "You've made me the happiest person alive, Achlea." Dad shouted from the other side of the room, "QUIT MAKING OUT AND HELP WITH THE DISHES!"

I squealed a little, he was scary but small. James started giggling and I ran to grab the big bowl of three cheese macaroni. I put it into a container. This was the best.

James was doing way better. He was happy, and he loves life.

I finally came to terms with the boogers' arrival and i'll be okay. Im sure.

Mom and dad were the best. They're all amazing, the best family I could ask for.



thanks for 600!!! 

please check out my new story Pretty. Odd.!

where should this story go? I'm on a little bit of a block. 

xx, partridge

Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now