Dead On Arrival

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I came home, and it was bleak. Third week of school and James already got beat up off my watch, and I really can't tell you how horribly band went. Everyone is making fun of our songs and I can't anymore.  I went to my room and took a nap, as school tends to drain me pretty good. But doesn't everyone get drained after?

I heard a knock on my door and mumbled some nonsense that told the person knocking it was okay to come in. It was Mom, she sat down and rubbed my back. "Sweetie, are you up?" I lifted my foot a little to signify that I was indeed awake, "Are you good?" I raised my hand and crashed it on the bed to signify that I was very not okay at all. "What's up? High School sucks, but I mean Clairmont seems like a good school. Please tell me."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes like the little kid I am. "It's just, people don't like me. Or Lane. Or Bandit. And especially James. They beat him up whenever he's without Lane, Bandit or I. It's stupid." A tear shed, "I want to help him." Mom smiled and pushed back my blue hair, "How about James comes over for dinner? You know more than anyone that Dad has been through that type of thing. Maybe he will help out a little. I mean, that's if you want to." I smiled and gave her a hug, "Okay. I'll call James." Mom was about to walk out when she turned around and said, "5:30, nothing fancy, we'll have italian, your father's favorite." I smiled and pulled up James' contact.

He picked up my call and in his very If-Gerard-And-Frank-Had-A-Kid voice (Quite frankly, he is very like that anyways) said, "What's up, Ach-lee-lee?" I giggled a little and said, "My mom says she'd like to come over for dinner?" I could hear him having a little panic attack although he probably covered the microphone. Cooly and collectedly he said, "I'll be over, what time?" Then I recited, "5:30, nothing fancy, we'll have italian, my dad's favorite." I could feel him smiling basically, "I'll be there!"

James is coming over for dinner, i'm getting this feeling in my stomach. Im so nervous and excited for my dad to meet my best friend!



 100 VIEWS?! and feel free to read my diary ;) ;) ill put a link:


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