Props And Mayhem

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"Babeeee" Chad called after me on this cloudy morning, it was two weeks since we started dating, but no marks on James, the deal is still on. "Come to this party with me, BABBEEEE" Something was off about him. Very drunk, maybe high? And then he picked me up and put me on his shoulder for whatever reason, "Put me down, Chad." And then he started chanting, "Little birdy birdy! Acheee is a BIRD! A little, dainty, lil birdyyyy! Babe is a bird, babe is a lil bird." And it went on and on. And one of the other football players picked up their girlfriends and did basically the same thing. He eventually put me down.

"Finally!" I exclaimed as my pale feet hit the ground. I was wearing childish shoes, but that was okay. I brushed the blue hair out of my face and Chad exclaimed, "You're so pretty! pRetty! PreTTY! PretTY GIRL!" and grabbed me by the waist, again. James came into school and saw my look of distress, you could practically hear his chants from a mile away. When Chad saw me grab James' hand, he dropped me. Being the giant Chad is, that was a little bit far for my frail bones to fall. James caught me though, and quite elegantly. I was in his arms and he quickly put me down. Chad noticed, and he didn't like it.

Chad shoved James against the lockers, "What do you think you're doing?" James smiled and said, "Something you couldn't, take care of her." That earned the smirking James a right hook across the cheek, and a trip to the nurse's office. I took him after screaming, "CHAD! We're OVER. YOU UNDERSTAND? OUR DEAL WAS NO HURTING JAMES, OKAY? AND GUESS WHAT YOU DID? HURT HIM! CAN YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?" And left him. James hugged me while I helped him.

I should have known. Seasons change, but people don't.



Short short short chapter, IK.

So who's up for Jamlea? Just saying ;) no guarantees. ;) ;) ;)

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