Skylines and Turnstiles

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We're going to visit Lindsey and Bandit and Gerard and their kitty!

Recently, we moved and we miss the gang. But I'm so excited to see them! Cherry is super excited to see the kitty, but Lilly is more excited to paint with Lindsey! Lilly is a really big artist, she loves drawing and coloring. But I, on the other hand have bigger things in store.

Recently, I wrote a song. But the only problem is I need a male vocalist. Well, I've got my dad but I want to do something different, someone who isn't my dad ??? Well Dad behind my back told Gerard if he wanted to be featured!!! the only thing is I'm still totally starstruck around Gerard, which is weird because he's my best friend's dad and a close friend... but I still go nuts when he shows me the new additions to the office and ALLOWS ME TO WEAR HIS BLACK PARADE JACKET FOR PICTURES !!!! like oh my god why am I like this ?

Anyways, he's going to be featured. But we're going to be very quiet about it. When will fans know? When the record is released and no sooner. It has to be a surprise.

But Iero family vacation #1 is a go!



okay you guys have to be kidding me, 2K????!!! LIKE WHAT???? omg! i love you all so much thank you!

xx, partridge.

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