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Gerard is crying and hugging bandit, Lindsey is convincing him she'll be okay, Lane's parents are like "get her outta here already!", James' are sad but accept it, and mine are like going ballistic with "do you have what you need" and my dad is telling me everything he knows about tour.

People are calling us "The MCR reunion you were waiting for!" But we're not- we're not our parents, but we make similar music. Im ready to go on tour.

Our manager is the Cara Shaw! The same one my dad had for like all his tours. She's awesome! I love her. She's amazing.

Bandit is the most jittery of us all- She was so excited though! Bandit was used to keeping to herself- now she gets to be in the spotlight! Im ready to sing my heart out.

I got in my dad's car to the bus station- where the bus was supposed to arrive to make it a little more secretive. It already had all my belongings I needed. It was stalked with food, decked out with a tv and beds! I was so excited.



Okay so 3K?????? Thank you so much!!! :))))))

Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now