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(Achlea's new hair above)

Tonight is the first show. Im honestly shook. We have an amazing turnout- it's a multi band set and by no means are we the biggest band here, (Ryan Ross has teamed up with Panic! to create a few song set. He's gonna sing "behind the sea" too! Pierce The Veil was there, but they played WAY later.) but we make up for it in heart.

The roadies are great. Jocelyn is the best of the best for wardrobe, we're decked out in our own little theme of "Bandits", nothing too strange. More like robber outfits, if anything. But not any better than Black Parade, or Revenge for that matter! Bandit is wearing Gerard's old sheriff's badge... its amazing. My hair is so long now, too!  

Lane got sick first day of tour- a panic attack and then some problems with food poisoning. What doesn't help was there wasn't a drummer on hand. That gave us a problem, a big one too. Then, Mike Fuentes stepped up to the plate. Some context: Its been a little while, so Casper Fuentes and I are a thing since James and I wanted to just be friends. He decided to be at the first show, and agreed to do us a little favor. Its probably the best favor I've ever been granted.

Mike gave us a pep talk- "This is your first show, I can remember my first big show like this. You got to skip the random bar that had 3 guys in it stage, so I can't guaranteed you're prepared. But some of you have a little experience as the center of attention, so you should be okay." He drank a little whiskey and continued his soliloquy, "You guys are brighter than Pierce The Veil was when we first started off, so I have no doubt you guys are going to kill it. Hime-time and Tony agreed to back up any of you if you're having a little bit of a problem, but this isn't Pierce The Veil, this is Bandit and the Gang!" He smiled, "Say it with me!" we joined in, "This is Bandit and the Gang!" then a stage manager tapped my shoulder, "Miss, 10 minute warning." We smiled.

Ten minutes...

Five minutes...

Two minutes...

One minute...


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