Kiss The Ring

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I take passenger seat in his car, and we go to his parent's house. Meet the parents, apparently...

"I had no idea I was finally meeting your parents, formally ya know! I've met them before, but never sit down like this... They're my icons! I'm gonna pass out!" Casper puts his hand on my thigh. "That's not helping. That's making more adrenaline rush. He keeps his hand on my thigh. "What'd be a real adrenaline rush is if you kiss me while I drive." I giggle, "Pierce The Veil references with you all time time, isn't it?" He smiles, "What kind of son would I be not to immerse myself in my father's art while I can?" I smile, "You're the best." 

We pull up in the driveway of the Fuentes household. It's a while drive but not too far after they moved from San Diego to be closer to their son, closer to LA but certainly not in it. 

He opens the car door for me, and we get out. We go up and ring the door bell. "They're here!" I hear a yell that can only be Danielle's from inside. The door promptly opens, with a beautiful wreath on the door greeting us. 

"Oh come here darling, how have you been." She embraces me in a hug. "Got off tour, literally just today," I glance over at Casper who is flustered, "but still ready to have a good time." Danielle smiles, ushering us in for a glass of apple cider and continues, "Vic is always so overworked after tour, you're holding up better than he. He should ask you for lessons in relaxation!" I smile, "Well, drooling on a pillow isn't exactly a relaxation experience by my standards but it certainly does the trick." She smiles. "Vic, where are you?" Vic comes barreling down the stairs and runs up to greet his son with a firm handshake and a hug, "Casper! I've missed you." He smiles along with Casper, "Dad!" he says. "And, the lovely Achlea as I remember." I smile, blood rushing from my head straight to my stomach. 

We chat it up, mainly about music. My absolute icon, in front of me, talking with me like an old friend. A blessing beyond words, all started by a visit to an adoption center.      "I cant believe that you are so cool, Mr. Fuentes!" Vic smiles. "No, you are! So young and knowing exactly what you want in life and getting that. Yeah, you were catapult into the lime light but you certainly handled it well." I gushed.

Casper soon asks me outside, winking at his parents. What could this mean? He sits me down. "I know we're young, but I know we're in love, Achlea, we've said this so many times." He gets down on one knee as I gasp, "I can't marry you now, but I know that it isn't going to be far till the day you and I can and when we're ready, please don't feel a ton of pressure. I want to make a promise to you, that when we're ready we will." He offers me a glimmering ring, a beautiful baby stone in blue comparable to my hair. "Maybe we're just young and dumb, but I want to be young and dumb with you." I exclaim, " I do too, I really do" He embraces me in a hug, longer than any other we've really had. 

We walk back in, our cheeks both rosy red and our hands intertwined. Their parents both pretend like they didn't watch from the kitchen window, "What was that all about?" Danielle asks nonchalantly with an iced tea in her hand, conveniently in a plastic but nice cup. "Well, nothing new, we love each other." I show them my beautiful ring.


I'm starting another fanfic (Kellic) and another book that's better than this story. I'm going to continue this one, but please check out my other works as well!

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