Teddy Bear

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I waited outside the delivery room. I sat on the floor quietly and quite patiently, may I add. It was a cold ground but I needed to have some space to think.

Im not ready to be a big sister. I thought maybe I was, but I'm really not.

I love the two little stinkers already, but I can't take care of them when I need to, i think. I can barely take care of myself.

I looked at the teddy bear in my hand. I would give this to them, I guess they could share. No, I'll give it to Cherry Blossom. She was going to be my mini me, I guess.

I was excited I sat out there thinking of  all the times the boogers and I would have.



SORRYYYY For the lamely short chapter :(

Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now