The Party Scene

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I walked into the party, I was on Chad's arm. Disgusting.

"I met a girl who never looked so alone

Like sugar water in your mouth lukewarm"

I heard the music pound from the speakers.

I started singing and Chad said, "I picked out the music for you, sweetheart." He 'booped' my nose. Well, at least he thought of me. I smelt alcohol. It was pungent. "Chad, is there alcohol here?" Chad smiled, "Not enough, I'd argue." I felt sick. 

I walked outside for some fresh air. I saw a girl braiding another girl's hair and they saw me. The blonde said, "What's she doing here." the other, brown haired girl, responded, "I think Chad has a thing for punks." They giggled. I saw a dude and he walked over to me, "Hey. Finally someone cool is here. Im Casper Fuentes. Son of Vic, you probably figured that out by now." I was starstruck, "By the last name I'd assume so. Another celebrity kid. Im Achlea Iero." His jaw dropped, "Is that so? Well I'm thrilled to have met you. And warm regards to your father, I'm a big fan." I smiled, "I assume so. You seem the type. So why are you here? San Diego is a big city." I said, "I heard there was gonna be some Mexican food here. It called me." We sat for a second before he said, "Just kidding. Dad said I needed to socialize, he said I was a handsome young man with a bright future!" He said mockingly. Ah, he was such a breath of fresh air.

"Hey." Chad said in an angry tone, "What are you doing with my girlfriend?" Chad said to Casper. "Um, just talking I didn't mean anything." A shock ridden face was planted on mine, "You're not my boyfriend, Chad. And I have the right to have friends, okay." Chad looked at me, "Did I ask for your opinion on the matter, sweetheart? It's better to face these kinda things as men alone." Casper smiled and said, "It's better to face these kinda things with poise and rationality but look at where we are." Casper's smart mouth wasn't going to do him any good here.




Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now