The First Punch

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Chad hit Casper, and I gasped, "NO. You hurt him, you're gonna have to hit me first." Chad smiled, "As much as I'd love to hit you, I can't because I have to deal with this." I frowned, "Leave him alone." I screamed dully, I didn't have much of a voice. "Okay. I'll let my friends deal with him." He grabbed my hand, so I grabbed Casper's. Casper tried and he failed, my hand let go. I couldn't hold on. 

Chad handed me a drink, "Drink this." It was alcohol. For sure. "I can't, Chad. Do you want to get beat up by my dad? He was in a 'satanic cult' labeled band. He's not someone you want to mess with, that's for sure." Chad smirked and said, "Bottom's up. I'm not worried. I can handle myself. You can't, you're gonna have to do everything I say, and more for that matter." I frowned, but drank it.

He led me back to a room, I went reluctantly. He sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap and started kissing me. I didn't kiss back. I didn't want to. "Chad, no. I'm..." he pulled me back in. I needed a plan. 

I swung at him. He was off guard for just long enough and I locked the door on my way out. I went outside and called very reluctantly, "Hey... Casper.. Chad wants to see you." Some of the boys chuckled and he walked in, "We're leaving, together." We walked out and he took me to his car, "Thanks, Achlea." I smiled, "No problem. My place now?" I gave him the directions. "Hey, Achlea, you're real special." And he handed me his number. I smiled and winked and walked inside. I couldn't think about anyone but James for now.

I hopped inside and told Dad all of it. "I should worry less about you. You know how to handle yourself. But that punk is still going down." I smiled and laughed while he wiped the tear off my cheek. "Everything is okay, Achlea." He pulled me into the living room and let me watch a movie. We were up talking and laughing. "Wanna write a song? Tomorrow is Sunday. Music will be our mass." I smiled and nodded. After the movie he gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me to go to bed. I needed it. I was very tired. 

Adopted By Frank Iero- A MCR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now