Coffee Shop Soundtrack

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I went to the coffee shop down the street. I sat down and said, "Espresso. Nothing fancy, although I do enjoy whipped cream and chocolate. The barista nodded. He knew who I was, his name is John. Big Frank Iero fan, so he knew I was his daughter. I got coffee or whatever I wanted free from there.

Next thing I know Chad and some other dude walked through the door. I said, "I'm not in the mood." and the other one laughed. Chad picked me up and kissed me. I slapped him. "I want you back." I said, "I don't." and he laughed, "Like it's a choice. Anyways, I'm taking you to a party tonight. Be ready by seven." I sighed and went to pick up my coffee. I checked my phone. 3 missed calls from dad, 7 from mom. I called mom back, "Oh my god you're alive!" I heard her shout. "I thought you were dead. Where are you, are you okay?" I giggled and said, "Mom, I'm just at the coffee shop." I couldn't bear to tell her what happened to James on a phone call. 

She told me to come home after I was finished. "I have to go to a party tonight. Not like I want to." I said as I walked through the door. "It's at 7 o'clock with Demon Spawn, Chad." Dad walked downstairs and said, "You don't need to go, Achlea." And I said, "Actually, that's out of my hands. I don't know what he's capable of." Dad sighed and gave me a hug, "Stay safe, kid."

I walked upstairs. I needed to good, but not by Chad's definition. I put on eyeliner, dramatic, emo eyeliner. I was already pale, but why not even paler? I put on my winter color foundation. I went downstairs and I looked great. But Chad likes blonde spray tan girls, at least thats what I think. It was 5:45 so I made dinner. Everyone came down and my dad said, "This spaghetti is rad, man. How?" I winked and said, "A chef never reveals her secrets." And then I whispered, "Extra tomatoes." Dad nodded and smiled. Then I heard a knock at the door. He was early. "Chad. You're early." I said. My dad gave him an evil death stare.

My dad walked over to him. "Achlea it's okay, you can go. But Chad, if there's a scratch on her, if she's intoxicated or otherwise damaged or upset by the time she's home, you're going down. 1 am at latest." He gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. And I waved at mom as Chad showed me the way to his car.

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