Chapter 13

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Paige P.O.V.

These past few days have been filled with happiness because jack and I starting to plan the wedding, but a lot of sadness too because Shawn and Jen have been moping around.

"We gotta do something." I said trying to get Jack's attention. He was too caught up in watching Spongebob and cuddling with me. "About what?" Jack asked. "About Jen and Shawn. They've been acting like someone just died these past few days." I said. "Yeah true, it's kinda depressing to watch." Jack said as he cringed. "Yeah so I was thinking maybe you and the guys could take Shawn out, while the girls and I take Jen out. Shopping and Starbucks always cheers Jen up. We'll probably go shopping for bridesmaids dresses, but I wanna save my dress for last." I said smiling. "Okay, but I don't think I can spend more than 2 hours without you." Jack said with a smirk. "Well, looks like you're gonna have to today... Who knows how long this could take?" I said while giving Jack a quick kiss before going to get ready.

Kylie P.O.V.

Okay so I feel like doing absolutely nothing today. I only put on a sweatshirt with shorts and kept my glasses on and threw my hair up in a messy bun, because I didn't plan on going anywhere. If I did go somewhere, I'm definitely not changing.

I'm also a little frustrated because I don't know what Nash and I are doing. This really frustrates me because I feel like I'm becoming a clingy girlfriend. 1. I'm not a clingy person. 2. I'm not Nash's girlfriend... And this makes me really cranky and mad, but I can't show that side of me to Nash because that will probably weaken my chances with him. I just miss him, a lot. All of this thinking didn't even realize that Nash just walked into my room.

"Hey." Nash said while sitting on top of me. "Hey... Can you not use me as a human chair? Thanks." I said while pushing Nash off of me.

Nash and I were watching some college basketball, but the sound of his phone went off. Looks like he got a text message. Must be a weird one because he looks kind of worried or confused. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. "Yeah... It's just that Hannah just texted me. She uh... Wants to get back together." Nash said, waiting for my response. I wasn't upset, I was furious. I just clenched my jaw and didn't say anything. "Oh my gosh! Is Kylie jealous?" Nash asked with excitement. "Pshh what? No I am definitely not jealous." I said. Jealous was an understatement of what I was right now. "Ky, you don't need to worry about anything. I'm not gonna get back together with her. You're mine and I'm yours. Okay?" Nash said. "Okay." I answered. He kissed me and it was getting pretty heated. I did feel a little better about this, but I still didn't know what you would call us. I guess we're not putting labels on us as of right now.

Of course no one and I mean no one, in the house knows how to knock on doors, so of course Nash and I get interrupted during our very heated kiss. "Hey Kylie just wanted-" becca started, then stopped and put a smirk on her face. "Sorry to interrupt you guys. Just wanted to let Kylie know that we're taking Jen out and the guys are taking shawn out so that includes you too Nash. So we're leaving in like 15 minutes." Becca said then started to walk out. "Oh and don't forget to use protection!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. My friends just love to embarrass me.

Jen P.O.V.

Nothing. That's how I feel. I feel nothing, I thought to myself as I got ready. I don't really wanna go anywhere, but I appreciate the gesture from my friends. At least we were going shopping for bridesmaids dresses. I can't wait to see Paige walk down the aisle.

I made my way upstairs, going to the garage to meet the girls at the car. But me, being the person with bad luck, bumps into someone. This certain someone of course had to be the one and only... Shawn Mendes. We just stared at each other for a few seconds, until I gave him a small smile and walked away. I couldn't stand looking at him, just makes me sadder than I already am.

We got to this small boutique that was beautiful inside. Paige wanted red bridesmaids dresses, so that's exactly what we were looking for.

We didn't end up buying anything, because we totally forgot that we needed our other friends to be here that were gonna be in the wedding too. That was a waste of a drive. We ended up going to Starbucks, my favorite if you haven't noticed by now, and then to the beach.

When we got to the beach, we all walked around and then finally found a place to sit. I'm ready for any questions they have to ask me. "Sooo Jen, how've you been?" Becca asked. "Okay I guess, definitely not happy, but a little sad. Okay maybe very sad, upset, mad." I answered truthfully. "Do you see you and shawn getting back together anytime soon?" Kylie asked. "No. If he truly wants to get back together with me, then he's gonna have to work really hard at earning my trust back. I'm not willing to jump back into a relationship with him, you know?" I said. The rest of the night we talked and reminisced about old memories, I really enjoyed myself.

When we got back home, I told the girls goodnight and headed downstairs to the movie theater. I like living down here, having my own personal space. I try to keep it as clean as possible because my friends like to come down here to watch movies.

As I was watching a movie, I heard the door to the basement open. I looked over and saw Shawn. "Um hi. Sorry if I was bothering you. I'll just see you later." Shawn said, I can tell he's nervous. "It's okay, you can come sit down if you want." I said. Shawn made his way over and sat down. I could tell he had been crying. "You okay?" I asked. "I should really be asking you that question. I'm the one who broke your heart." Shawn said with his head hanging down. "Shawn-" I started but he cut me off. "No. Just listen to me for a second Jen. I'm so sorry, I really am. I fucked up real bad and even though that girl kissed me, that's no excuse because I kissed back. It didn't mean ANYTHING. I love you and only you. I don't care how long it takes for you to trust me again. Even if you don't ever take me back, I'm still gonna wait for you. I'm just so sorry." Shawn said with tears spilling out of his eyes. I pulled him into a hug and just held on tight. We needed each other, but right now we can't be together.

Shawn kissed me on my forehead and gave me another long hug, and then said goodnight and went upstairs. I don't know why, but I wanted him to stay with me tonight. I just want him back, but it's just way too early.


Might be updating later if I can but I have a lot of homework and basketball practice, but I'll try to squeeze in a chapter. Thanks for reading! :)


Magcon Fan Fiction Sequel (Nash Grier/Taylor Caniff/Jack Gilinsky/Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now