Chapter 19

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Madison P.O.V.

I'm so happy I'm in Vegas right now with the girls. They're definitely my best friends now and it was so nice of Paige to invite me here AND put me in her wedding as a bridesmaid.

This club we're at is crazy! The girls vowed to not do anything stupid tonight meaning not kiss any other guys. While I was dancing, I felt someone spin me around and connect their lips with mine. I automatically pulled back and slapped the person.

"What the hell is your problem?! I have a boyfriend, ever heard of personal space?" I yelled. "Yeah I know you have a boyfriend, and I happen to be him." The mystery person said. "Oh my gosh Matt? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I missed you and I wanted to be romantic so I snuck out of the bachelor's party and came to see you. The romantic gesture didn't go as I planned." He said chuckling. "I'm sorry. This is the sweetest thing ever." I said giving him a kiss. "Um, there weren't any... Um... Exotic dancers at this party was there?" I asked. "Oh you mean strippers? Uh yeah there were some strippers there thanks to Michael. He made sure of it." Matt said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

I basically dragged Matt over into a different room of the club and brought the girls with me. "Okay well I'm not mad at you, but you need to tell them." I said to Matt while crossing my arms. "Tell us what?" Jen asked. "Uhh, there were uhh strippers at the bachelor party." Matt said while looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "I CLEARLY TOLD MICHAEL TO NOT BRING STRIPPERS TO THAT PARTY!" Paige said raising her voice very very high. "None of them kissed anyone right?" Jen asked. "No I made sure of that because I didn't want there to be any drama before the wedding." Matt said. When the girls heard these words they tackled him into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you Matt, I love you so much." Kylie said. "No problem." Matt said. I'm one lucky girl to have such an amazing guy like Matt. I do feel a little bad for slapping him haha.

Paige P.O.V.

We didn't get back to the hotel until three in the morning. Even though I was planning on killing Michael, I still wanted to have fun at my bachelorette party.

When we got back to the hotel, I made my way to the guys room. I may be small, but I'm very intimidating. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. "Hey Paige." Jack J said. I said a quick hi back and went on a search for Michael through the penthouse. I found him in the living room talking to some of the guys.

"Hey Paige-" Michael started, but cut off by the sounds of him in pain from me kicking him where the sun don't shine. "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled as he lay in the floor in pain. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO HAVE ANY STRIPPERS AT THE BACHELOR PARTY! YOU MUST BE DEAF OR HAVE SELECTIVE HEARING BECAUSE I KNOW YOU THEM AT THE PARTY!" I yelled. I felt someone throw me over their shoulder. "Put me down!" I yelled. When the person finally set me down, I realized we were on the rooftop of the hotel. Jack was the person who carried me. "Paige, calm down Mike was just trying to have a little fun." Jack said. "Whatever." I said and started walking away until Jack grabbed my wrist and spun me around kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. Jack pulled away after awhile much to my dismay. "Paige you know you're the only girl for me. You're all I thought about tonight, I couldn't get you out of my head. The day after tomorrow we get married. You and I, MARRIED. I love you so much and only you." Jack said. He sure knows how to make my heart melt, he has a huge effect on me. "I love you too." I said back.

Becca P.O.V.

Right now I'm standing in a room with Jen, Kylie, Shawn, Taylor and Nash. The girls and I are looking at the boys with our arms crossed and straight faces. "Have fun with the strippers? How much money did you give them? Have enough singles?" Jen asked. "Sweetheart I-" Shawn started but was cut off by Jen. "No. You guys had your fun. Us girls had fun too." Jen said with a smirk on her face. "Tons of hot guys at the club tonight that we danced with." Kylie said, which made Nash tense up.

We saw the boys starting to get a little angry, so we decided they had enough and bursted out in laughter. "What's so funny?" Taylor asked. "You guys thought we actually danced with other guys tonight? We didn't and we know you guys didn't do anything bad tonight. We were just messing with you." I explained and the guys faces showed relief. "You are so lucky because I would've went back to that club and found the guy you danced with and punched his face in." Taylor said while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yeah okay. I'd like to see you try." I said. "I rather not, but I know something that I would like to try." Taylor said. "And what would that be?" I asked. "Kissing you." Taylor said as he kissed me.

Tonight was definitely a good night.


Sorry I updated so late. I'll try to update tomorrow but I wanna take my time to write the wedding chapter :)


Magcon Fan Fiction Sequel (Nash Grier/Taylor Caniff/Jack Gilinsky/Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now