Last Day

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Thursday, May 25

Today was the last day for students.

And I gave them a test. I'm so nice.

It didn't take any class the whole time, so we kind of just relaxed at the end of each class. During my first block, we talked about their summers. During my second block, we watched cat videos and then some of The Office.

My last class of the day got done with their tests later than my other two classes, so we only had about fifteen minutes left. I sat in my normal high chair at the front of the room, and took in a deep breath. I had just gotten done grading the other two classes. Nobody failed the final. I was thrilled.

"Y'all, the other two classes did awesome on their final, so I think you y'all are gonna do just fine." I paused and looked around my students. "I'm really going to miss this class. Y'all don't realize how great y'all are. I am so honored to have had the opportunity to be your teacher. It's been a lot of fun getting to know each and everyone of you. I want you to remember a few things:

"First, you have it in you to do well in life. If you really want something, find people who can help you through the struggles whether it's a teacher, friend, sibling--just find someone. If you want to be a doctor, but don't know any doctors personally, ask around; it's not that hard to find people who want to help you achieve your dreams.

"Second, you are worth it. High school is really tough sometimes. Everyone feels like nobody likes them, and it's not true. If you don't think the people you're hanging around are good influences, then ya know what? Find new friends. You are strong enough to do the right thing. There are good people who would love to be friends with you.

"You can get away from drugs and alcohol. You can get away from the poverty here. I get that you may have family here, but this isn't the life y'all deserve. Leave this town if you have the chance. If you must stay, change this place, please. Make it better for the future generation. Fight for what you believe in."

I have no idea where that came from, but the kids pretended to be very attentive. Deep down, I know they actually listened, and that means everything.

"Y'all, I'm going to miss you. I don't think you realize how much I love and care about each one of you. I am going miss seeing you around town and watching you grow up here. This town has good people. Be the good people if you stay here. Go to college unless it has absolutely nothing to do with what you wanna do. You'll probably need some sort of schooling for whatever you do, so do it. Please change this town for me. Please put an end to the brokenness. You and your kids don't deserve that. I want y'all to succeed because I know you can."

One of my best students, Gia, got up and opened her arms. I stood up and gave her a hug. A few other students gave me a hug. Then a few students said really nice things that made everything struggle in my life worth it for them.

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