Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N So this is the last official chapter of the story. I cried so hard writing this. Just a heads up. And this chapter is dedicated compltely to allstarweekendfan123, who inspired the character of Amber. She was there from the very start of it all, and I can't thank her enough for all the comments and fun messages we've exchanged over the past year.

“I’m Zach,” Zach repeated. He was nervous. His hands – or rather, Cameron’s hands – were sweating profusely. Abby stared at him, disbelieving. Cameron slowly walked around her so that he was standing beside Zach.

“What are you talking about?” Abby said, still smiling like he’d told a good joke.

Zach took a deep breath. “Look, I know this is hard to believe, but Cameron and I switched bodies. It’s me baby, I’m Zach.” He chanced a step towards her but Abby rolled her eyes and began walking away.

“Is this the important news you had to tell me? Seriously Cameron, I thought you could come up with something a little better than that.”

“Abby, he’s not lying. I’m Cameron,” Cameron spoke up.

Abby stopped in her tracks, turning around to face them. The amusement was gone, replaced by incredulity. “You’re going along with this?” she asked him.

“It’s not a joke. I’m Cameron, that’s Zach, and we switched bodies, back in December.”

Abby crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one foot. “Oh, please tell me, how did this happen? Did you run into each other so hard that you were knocked into the other one’s body? Well, come on. If you’ve spent a lot of time preparing I wouldn’t want you to have wasted the effort.”

“Look,” Zach said calmly, “you have to believe us. Please Abby, please, just recognize me. I’m Zach!” He walked towards her, stopping when he was close enough to stoop down and kiss her if he wanted.  “Look at me baby, it’s me!” His voice was desperate.

Abby shook her head. “Why are you doing this?” she asked. “What are you trying to accomplish?”

“Do you remember the night we met?” Zach said quickly. “Remember? It was at Danielle’s party. She led me over to you by the bonfire and I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. I took your hand and asked for a tour and you brought me inside. We stayed up all night talking about why you moved here, your family in Kansas and Arkansas, me and the band. Remember I was holding your hand when I gave you my phone number? And before I left I kissed you. Do you remember that?”

“Of course I remember it, I was there,” she told him. “Zach told me a long time ago that he told you and Michael about that night.” Abby poked him in the chest. “He’s your best friend Cam, I don’t doubt that you know a shit-ton of stuff about our relationship.”

Cameron walked up just behind Zach. “He told Nathan and Mikey, I didn’t want anything to do with you. I know for a fact you remember that.”

“I cannot believe that you’re trying to help him convince me that you switched bodies. That kind of thing isn’t possible, I’m not an idiot.”

“No one said you were an idiot,” Cameron argued. “But we’ll stay here all night if we have to. I’m Cameron.”

“Can you prove it? Can you show me absolute proof that you’ve switched bodies?”

“What do you need?”

Abby paused for a second, thinking. Finally she had an answer. “What’s the first thing Cameron ever said to me?”

Cameron smiled, “Nice to meet you.”

Quickly, Abby added, “After Zach left us alone for a second.”

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