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tw: brief mentions of bleeding (implied pulled stitches) at the end.


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"Can we talk about it yet?"

Tyler refused to look up as Dr. Kemp finally asked the question she'd been building up to all session. He knew he'd done well to put it off for as many sessions as he had but that didn't stop him from trying to push it further.

"There's nothing to talk about." He replied his voice low and gravelly as he pulled on a loose thread on the sleeve of his 'Grouplove' hoodie.

"Tyler," Dr. Kemp sighed softly. "Until you're ready to admit to yourself what you tried to do -what you almost succeeded in doing- you won't be able to move forward."

Tyler sniffed, turning his attention out of the window, if he looked hard enough he can just make out a group of kids trying yoga on the edge of one of the fields. There was a large oak tree near the other end with a few people lay in its shade talking, it was an oddly warm day and so most of the residents had been forced to go outside and get fresh air.

"You can't have outdoor privileges unless you start making progress." Dr. Kemp said, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Tyler spent every session staring out the distant forest longingly and she knew it was something she could use as leverage.

Tyler let a sharp breath out of his nose before turning back to tracing shapes against his leg.

"I can't." He mumbled.

"Why do you say that?" Dr. Kemp pressed.

"I just can't."

He wanted to scream, to just get up and leave.

"If-if I say it then it becomes real, all of it." He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing quickening. Dr. Kemp sat forward, instantly recognising a problem, she began calming talking him through one of the breathing exercises she'd taught him previously. After a while he calmed down.

"Please don't make me say it." He begged and Dr. Kemp gave him a soft smile, trying to comfort him.

"I know that it hurts right now but we're gonna get you to a place where you can talk about it okay, just be patient with yourself okay?" She soothed and Tyler nodded, letting out a shaky breath. As though whatever poison he'd sucked in before was dispelled and he felt calm again, he rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"I'm gonna put in a request for your outdoor privileges, so you can go outside tomorrow okay?" She smiled and Tyler returned it weakly, watching her scribble more notes in his file.

After his session was finished for the day Tyler headed back to his room to gather himself before lunchtime. On his way, back to his room he heard whispering.

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