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tw: someone is punched in the face.


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Dr. Long patiently listened to Josh talk about Tyler for the fourth time this session, and as he did most sessions recently. She made a small note in his file, before looking up at him.

"Joshua, you do remember the rules on patient relationships, don't you?"

Josh simply glared at her. "There's nothing going on between us." He lied.

"Good. keep it that way."

He rolled his eyes at that causing Dr. Long to huff and scribble something else down.

"I mean it Joshua. End it before anything even starts." She continued.

Josh studied her face, causing her to shift uncomfortably under his gaze. She was more than aware of his talent for reading people, and combined with his gentle heart she knew he was gifted to help others. She'd encouraged him to consider a career as a therapist if he ever got out of the facility and graduated high school, he didn't really want to .

"Someone told you there was something going on, didn't they?" Josh's eyes narrowed.

"That's irrelevant." Dr. Long sighed, looking back down to her notes.

"Bullshit." Josh was already listing off all the potential suspects in his mind, one face coming to mind immediately.

Dr. Long's head snapped up at the swear word, scowling but letting it slide. "It isn't, if there's nothing going on." She replied sternly, jaw tightening.

The two stared each other down for a while, Dr. Long used to dealing with Josh's stubbornness, not easily giving in. She chose a gentler tactic instead.

"Look, I know that if there was- is anything between you two, that your heart is in the right place." She sighed. "But Tyler is still very new here, and fragile. Because of how long you've been here, he would be the one sent away if this blew up. I don't know if he's strong enough to handle being moved, do you? Especially after recent events..." She trailed off as Josh shifted uncomfortably, finally breaking eye contact.

"Yeah, I got it." He mumbled bitterly, sniffing and burying his face into the neck of his hoodie. It was actually Tyler's. The pair noticing that they both owned similar plain black hoodies decided to swap, finding the way they smelled like the other comforting, and knowing that no one would even notice. He ignored the ache in his chest.

After his therapy session, he went straight to the food hall. Tyler smiled up at him as he saw him approach, but it fell when he realised how angry Josh was.

Josh walked straight past where Tyler was sat, charging towards another table nearby where Jonny sat, laughing about something with whoever was sat beside him.

"You snake." Josh shoved Johnny so hard he fell backwards on to the cold floor with a hard thud. A few people stood up and shouted. Tyler immediately rushed over to stop Josh, as did the monitors on duty.

"Stay out of things you can't understand." Josh snapped as he looked down at Jonny. Tyler stood between them, his hands up.

"It's not worth it Josh." Tyler warned desperately but Josh refused to make eye contact with him. Josh shoved off the monitor that was holding him back before turning to leave.

"Yeah that's right listen to your boyfriend." Johnny spat as he was helped back onto his feet.

Josh's surged forward so fast no one even had time to process what was happening. No one could stop There was a distinct cracking sound and then Johnny hit the floor, blood instantly gushing from his face.

The monitors immediately grabbed Josh and dragged him out of the room, he didn't even seem to fight them. Tyler tried to follow them but another one stopped him and told him to sit down and finish his food.

Tyler huffed but did as he was told. He ignored the filthy look Johnny gave him as he was escorted out the room. He was confused why Josh had suddenly attacked Johnny but he knew that it was probably linked to what Johnny had said. He understood better when Dr. Kemp warned him of the rules on patient relationships at his therapy session.

Josh didn't visit Tyler's room after lights out as usual and Tyler felt too worried about him to try to sleep. Sighing he got out of bed and carefully snuck over to Josh's door.

He tried the handle but the door was locked, he frowned.

"Josh" He whispered through the wood. He rested his forehead against the cool white surface hearing a small shuffle by the door, he could tell Josh must've been sat against it. He remembered his first day here when they'd explained that you'll be locked in if you abuse their trust.

"It's Tyler." He said softly, hoping it was loud enough for Josh to hear.

On the other side of the door, Josh sat with his knees tucked under his chin, trying his best to hold back tears.

"Hey, Josh." Tyler said again, muffled by the thick wood.

Josh took a jagged breath willing the dark, and the ringing sound that the quiet of night always brings, away.

"I love you." Tyler whispered, a weight dropping in his stomach, his head was still resting against the door and he had no clue if Josh could even hear him but he needed to say it. Just in case. "Goodnight." He added after a long pause, sighing and heading back to his own room before he could get caught.

Josh could almost feel the weight of Tyler leave the door he was pressed up against. He pushed his head back in frustration with a thump. Silent tears flowing freely now. Josh pulled his knees impossibly closer, letting everything go until his eyes would no longer hold themselves open. The shadows surrounding him dragging him from reality into the pitch-black vastness of dreamless slumber.

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