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tw: should be safe (feel free to warn me if i ever havent tagged something right not just in this chapter but any of them btw!!)

tw: should be safe (feel free to warn me if i ever havent tagged something right not just in this chapter but any of them btw!!)

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Tyler smoothed the collar of his shirt over the top of his black jumper. He shook his head, the memory of his dream last night resurfacing as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Black shadows crept up his arms and his neck constricting his breathing as they spread painfully across his body; until the darkness consumed him. His eyes had turned red as a deep voice that sounded eerily like his own, they seemed to come out of his own mouth as it moved without his control, told him he was nothing.

Tyler shuddered violently gripping the sink, twitching his head. He scratched at his neck trying to move the collar so he could breathe properly.

"Come on, you can do this." He took a sharp breath in through his nose as he splashed some water on his face.

His first visitor day was already off to a shaky start, and he knew there was no way his mother wouldn't worry herself silly if she saw him like this. Dr. Kemp had told him last week that she had called his mother and told her he was ready to see her again, but he wasn't entirely confident in that.

Tyler had done everything he could not to have a panic attack at the time and as he walked down the long corridor towards the lobby, he couldn't be sure he wasn't going to have another.

Dotted around the facility were other patients with family members or friends Tyler had never seen before. Some looked excited or happy; others looked awkward or like they were in pain. Tyler's whole body began to shake with nerves, he hadn't been allowed to speak to his family since they'd left him in this place.

He saw his youngest brother Jay first, he shouted Tyler's name startling the rest of his party. He had been about to run to his big brother when Zack grabbed his arm stopping him, his face full of concern.

Tyler attempted a weak smile as he finally reached his family. His mother immediately pulled him into her chest trying to hold back her tears. Tyler wasn't sure if it was just the intensity of the hug that made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

As soon as his mother let him go, Maddie pounced on him, Jay joined the hug and they pulled a somewhat reluctant Zack in so that Tyler was surrounded. Tyler took a jagged breath squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears prickling at his eyes.

"How have you been? Are you doing okay? They say you're making improvements? Are they treating you okay? Are you eating enough, you look healthier-"

"Mom." Maddie hissed at the constant flurry of questions.

"It's okay." Tyler reassured everyone. "I'm doing okay, promise."

He tried to sound positive but they all gave him a sceptical look. "Where's dad?" Tyler asked his brow furrowed. Suddenly no one could look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry sweetie, he's working. He did try but he just couldn't get the time off." His mother said with a sad smile.

Tyler pretended to forget that his father was a principal at a school and that it was a Saturday, in the hopes that the excuse was legitimate.

"Can we see your room?" Jay piped up suddenly, excited.  Making Tyler ruffle his hair and fake a smile.

"Sure thing bud." Tyler said as he led his family on a small tour around the facility.

"This is the TV room." Tyler said leading them into the room. His voice trailed off slightly as he saw Josh sat in the corner with a woman that looked just like him and a younger girl. The younger had long red hair and a hint of similar features. She was pretty, like Josh. He knew she must be one of the sisters Josh had told him about.

"Josh, sorry no one else could make it. It's just Abby has the wedding to plan and Dad's working and-" Josh's mother sighed heavily taking Josh's hands in her own. "We love you so much, and we're so proud of you for making so much progress okay honey?" She promised squeezing his hands as Ashley nodded in agreement.

Josh feigned a smile, trying to pretend like he wasn't miserable seventy percent of the time. The pressure in his chest lifted when he glanced up and spotted Tyler entering the room, maybe thanks to him it was more like fifty percent. Both boys blushed as they made eye contact, ducking their heads embarrassed.

"Who's that?" Maddie followed Tyler's blushing gaze over to Josh as she pulled out a chair. All of them sitting around one of the small tables at the back of the room.

Tyler was facing towards the corner where Josh sat and he couldn't help but stare at Josh now and then; he looked troubled.

He suddenly remembered his sister had asked him a question and snapped his attention back to his family. "What?"

"I said who's the guy you're staring at?" Maddie raised her eyebrows. Everyone stared at Tyler expectantly, a blush creeping its way up Tyler's neck.

"His name is Josh, he's pretty cool." Tyler tried to sound casual but failed.

"Why's his hair pink?" Zack asked a mild look of disgust on his face.

Tyler launched into a small explanation about why Josh colours his hair every morning, rambling slightly. He trailed off shyly when he saw a knowing look on Maddie's face, mumbling an apology.

"He seems lovely, Ty." His mother said somewhat hesitantly placing a hand on Tyler's. Tyler did everything he could not to yank his own hands away, uncomfortable at the contact.

As his siblings began bickering about something, Tyler couldn't help but let his mind wander thinking about Josh's choice of hair colour. He'd only ever seen Josh use it twice; firstly, the day after they'd fallen asleep in Josh's bed and secondly, the day after their first kiss. Tyler's stomach fluttered at the memory, but the current expression on Josh's face said he was far from feeling any of the emotions Tyler hoped were associated with those two events.

Tyler was distracted from his thoughts by his mother asking some more questions about the place. He tried his best to answer them but he was already exhausted and they'd only been visiting him for a few hours at most. He sighed and tried to force himself to function properly, forgetting how draining socialising was, given it was never like this with Josh, he never had to force the conversation or his happiness around him.

"When's lunch?" Jay whined and Zack told him to shut up. In the chaos of the small fight that broke out between his two brothers Tyler missed Josh and his family getting up and leaving the room.

"Lunch is in half an hour Jay." Tyler said once his mother had snapped at both boys to stop showing her up, and to behave. This was going to be a long day for Tyler realised.

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