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Bill's POV

"No no no! Please. NO!" Each demon was begging and screaming to be saved,  but I didn't listen. I honestly didn't give a single fuck. They betrayed me, and sided with Pyronica. They all deserve the same fate as her. Because of them, my Shootingstar now has to live as a demon forever.

"Enjoy hell!" I screamed as I sent them to the same place that I sent Pyronica. They can all go burn in hell with her. Without them, I couldn't have Weirdmegedon anymore, but I didn't give a shit about that anymore. Shootingstar was all that mattered, and I needed to get rid of anything that caused her this pain. Plus, I was still on a rage revenge, and making them suffer made me happy.

I've been trying to cheer Shootingstar up, but there was no denying the fact that this was going to be difficult. Her powers have just started to come in and even that alone has been a nightmare to deal with. I should probably go check on her, I thought as I walked out of the now empty dungeon. 

I made my way up to the room she was in while she tried to control her powers. Throughout the castle you could see broken pieces of furniture and scorch marks on the wall from when she had an outburst. Eventually, I had her stay in a room I made. I felt bad for keeping her in there, but it was the best place for now. It would lower the magnitude of her powers while she tries to control them. If I didn't, she would just keep losing control and hurt herself or someone else. That why I wouldn't let Dipper or anyone else see her. It was to dangerous since she wasn't in control of her powers. I knew she would be upset about not seeing her brother, but it was for the best.

When I got to her room, I knocked a couple of times in the door to let her know I was there, then I walked in.

"Shootingstar? You okay?" She was in the corner, with her knees to her chest and her face burrows in between. "Oh no" I whispered under my breath as I walked over to her. "What wrong" I said in the most loving tone I could possibly use while kneeling down next to her. She was silently crying

"I-I can't-t do it-t" she sniffed out. "I can't c-control it" I looked at her arms. She had gotten a lot more burns and cuts in her arms in the short hour I left her alone.

"Yes you can. It's just going to take time" I tried to reach out to heal her arms but she flinched away.

"How long did it take you!" She spat. Her being a demon made her a lot more irritable and angry. Sometimes it was hard to get used to. I always tried not to get mad when she snapped at me, but it was getting out of hand. I sighed

"Mable, it's different for me. I've always been a demon so my powers came in slowly, yours are coming in all at once. It's a big change"

"SO WHAT!" She yelled standing up, her eyes glowing fiercely and her hands engulfed in golden flames. I stood up with her.

"No, I didn't mean it like-"

"I'm sick of you telling me everything will be okay! It's not! I'm a fucking demon!!!"

"Shootingstar, please just listen"

"NO!" her voice grew more demonic

"Hey! Calm down" I said more sternly while reaching out to help her. She pulled away and started to walk to the other side of the room "Shootingstar, get back here!"

"OR WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?" Her skin started to return to pitch black and her flames were glowing brighter. They started to shoot out of her in all directions. I did my best to stop it, but one hit me in the chest knocking me backwards.

Mable's POV

"OR WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?" I yelled, feeling myself being overcome in power. My vision went blurry while I lost control of it again. Each time I did, it was excruciatingly painful. Like I was burning from the inside out. When I regained my vision, I saw my skin had gone dark again. I also saw Bill on the ground clutching his chest. No "Bill!" I yelled running up to him and kneeling down next to him. "I'm so sorry, I-I,"

"It's okay" he said and gave a reassuring smile that he was okay. I didn't buy it, but I helped him up. He then pulled me into a hug. I started to cry again.

"I'm so s-sorry" I cried "I just- just"

"Shh" he held me closer. "I'm okay, you're okay, everything will be okay. I promise"

"Okay" I sniffed. He held me there for a while. "Bill?"

"Yes love?"

"Can you help me?"

"Of course"

It took a few days in 'the room' but I finally got my powers under control enough so that I could leave. It took a lot, from both me and Bill. I threw him against the wall a few times, he ended up striking me once or twice trying to get me under control.  Both of us were bruised and beaten up, but it worked. I wasn't losing control and having 'outbursts' anymore. I could also control the color of my skin now, which helped. I hated it when it turned color. I felt like I wasn't even myself anymore. Bill told me later he would teach me how to actually use my powers. I wasn't really exited for that. I just wanted to be as normal as possible. Ha! Like that was even possible. But at least he promised I could see Dipper soon, now that I was in control.

I was finally back in a real bedroom. I laid in the large king sized bed, wrapped up in the yellow comforter. Demons didn't need sleep, but since I was still transitioning, I needed to sometimes. A lot of my energy was focused on keeping my powers controlled, so once I get that fully under control, I probably wouldn't need sleep. I just started to doze off to sleep when I felt the bed shake and the mattress on the other side sink. I turned around to face the demon that had crawled in with me.

"Goodnight Shootingstar"

"Goodnight Bill" I moved closer into him and he wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest. I love falling asleep in his arms. I always felt so safe.

"No nightmares tonight" he said and kissed my head

"Thanks" I said into his chest as I dozed off to sleep...

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