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Mabel's POV

"Grunkle Ford!" I exclaimed as I ran to give them a hug.His reaction was the same as Dippers. They both still loved me, I was safe. 

"Hey sweetie!" Ford said releasing the hug "Its Good to have you back. We missed you" 

"I missed you to, so much"

"How have you been" Ford said "with the whole 'demon' thing"

"It's been, Okay" I stated in the most reassuring way possible. No it has not been okay, its been hell, its been a fucking nightmare, its been-

"Wheres Bill?" Ford asked

"I dont know, I think he's waiting upstairs." 

"Can you go get him and bring him down here" Ford asked "I have a few questions for him"

"Like what?" I responded

"Just some simples stiff"

"oh, okay." I ran upstairs to get Bill. What do they even want to ask him? I thought looking around the shack for Bill. "Bill, Bill" I called out with no answer. He, left me? Thats... weird. I went back down stairs. "He's not here" Ford looked up from what ever he was working on with Dipper.

"He's not?" Dipper responded curiously.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll come back to pick me up soon"

"Oh, okay." I looked at Dipper, he looked nervous. suddenly I was to. Whats going on wi- Before I could finish my thought, I felt something hit me, then I landed on the ground. I blacked out

Bill's POV

I walked up to the front door of the mystery shack. "Bill why are we here?" Will asked me

"I, uh, left something here" I said. I really didn't want another demon to know about her, but I trusted Will. And that's saying something. Demons don't typically trust each other, especially the more powerful ones, like me

"Bill" Will said looking at the shack "Theres another demon in there. But its-"

"Will I will explain everything later, I just need to tell her something" I knocked on the door

"No Bill, not that. She's in trouble" I looked at Will, he was always better at reading emotions, I was better at thoughts. But he was right something was off. I blasted the door down and raced down to the lab.

"~Bill! HELP!~" I started to here muffled screams. I ran into the lab where I saw Shootingstar strapped to some machine that was binding her powers

"Mabel, please stop" Pinetree said looking at her "This is for the best."

"Fuck you!" she spat 

"Mabel I-" Before he could finish his sentence, I threw him and Ford against the walls and ran to Shootingstar, ripping the straps off her and picking her up. She started crying and couldn't catch her breath. I looked behind me and Will was there. 

"Lets go, I said to him" teleporting all of us to the Fearamid

"Bill, you're supposed to come back now-" 

"just give me a second" I yelled, brining Mabel into our room. I sat down on the ground against the bed with her still crying in my arms. "It's okay, you're safe now. I promise. You're safe" Fuck those stupid ass pines. What the fuck were they thinking. Thats the last time I ever fucking trust anyone with her. "What happened"

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