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Mable's POV

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I sat up in relief. I really didn't want to deal with whatever that 'nightmare' was. I jumped out of bed and snapped my fingers. Nothing happened. "Shit, come on, it worked the other day." Bill had taught me how to change my outfit with my demon powers "ugg" I groaned in defeat and walked over to my dresser. I stripped out of my nightmare and chose some black comfortabel pants and put a bra on. I would need to have Bill help me with my shirt. Ever since I got my wings I either needed his help or had to use magic. I grabbed my shirt and walked out into the hall to go find him. When I stepped out I smelled breakfast and followed the smell to the kitchen where I saw Bill standing over the oven with a frying pan. "Hey" I said walking over to him.

"Good morning love" he said looking up at me "need help?" I nodded and handed him the shirt. He snapped his fingers and the shirt was on my, with my bat style wings perfectly through the slits in the back. I looked back at them and they fluttered up a bit then back down.

"Thanks" I said and hugged him "what's for breakfast" I said looking over him at the pan

"Blueberry pancakes" he turned back to the pan and scraped them off, putting them on two plates.

"Yay!" I said eagerly grabbing mine

"I thought you might like them" he said taking his and walking over to the table with me. I grabbed the syrup and drizzled it over my pancakes, digging in. "Are they good?" Bill asked watching me stuff his face. I swallowed the food in my mouth.

"Yes!" He chuckled then started eating. Demons didn't need to eat but I still did since I was still transitioning, though I was needing human necessities less frequently. Bill has been doing human things with me to make me feel better, like sleeping and eating. I guess it made me feel a little more normal, not being the only one.

"Shootingstar?" He asked as we finished our pancakes and stood up.


"Would you like to go see Pinetree today?" My head imminently peeked up.


"Yeah. I think you're in control enough to see him now and -" I jumped up and tackling him to the ground in a hug.

"Thank you so much!" We stay in a hug, then I leaned in and kissed him. We stayed in the kiss for a while before I pulled away. "When can we go?"

"Whenever you want"


"Sure. Let me stand up first" I giggled then jumped off him. "Ready," he said holding a hand out.

"Yeah," I slipped my fingers through his and he snapped his fingers. I looked up and realized we were right outside the mystery shack.

It had been a couple months since I last saw him. Our eighteenth birthday had passed and he moved in with our grunkles to cover my absence to our parents and be closer to me. He became Ford's apprentice and they've been helping the world clean up from weirdmegedon. I was actually really nervous to see Dipper. The last time we saw each other was right after I turned and woke up. Bill said I needed alone time, then deemed me to dangerous be around. What if he's scared of me? What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he hates me because i'm a demon? What if-

"Shootingstar" Bill said interrupting my paranoid thoughts and looking at me "Stop. He's going to be happy to see you" I breathed in and out, then walked up to the porch and knocked on the door.

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