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Mabel's POV

"Bill! Who is that?"

"I don't-"

"Cipher, open up," we heard from outside the door

"Oh, its just Satan," Bill said sounding relived. Oh, great. Were fine, its just Satan, I thought sarcastically

"Bill, what about Dipper?" I whispered

"Go bring him to the training room and make a field around him. No demon gets in, and he can't get out."

"Okay," I started off. "What about me?"

"Stay down there with him," 

"Okay," I went towards the kitchen

"Cipher, hurry up," yelled Satan from behind the door still

"I'm coming,"

I walked into the kitchen to see Dipper sitting on the counter. He jumped up when he saw me.

"Mabel! Are you okay, did he-"

"No time for that, follow me," I walked out of the kitchen towards the training room. 

"Why, what's going on?"

"Satan's here," I opened he training room and pushed him in. "You have to hide,"

"S-satan? Like the devil himself?!"

"Yes, Satan," I said annoyed while I started with the force field spells. I didn't know how to do them so they were sloppy, but they would work.

"What's going to happen,"

"You're going to stay in this bubble and keep out of out way, while me and Bill go deal with the problem. Okay?"

"But, I came to help you, you can't just-"

"Yes, I can! And you're not helping. I Know you're trying to make up for what you did, but honestly I don't think I can forgive you just yet. Okay?" Dipper looked broken and sad, but I didn't care, he wasn't my problem right now. I finished with the spells and left the room, staying close to it. 

"Well, Satan, if that's all," I could hear their voices from upstairs 

"Bill, is there someone else here?" SHIT SHIT SHIT

"Not that I am aware of, no"

"Then why do I sense someone down here," Crap! I ran away from the room, leaving Dipper. He should be hidden enough. I head foot steps from the door, which was the only way out. No, crap crap crap. Then I heard something else in my thoughts.

'Play along'


Him and Satan walked through the door

"Oh, darling Mabel, you're home?"

"Uh, yeah. I uh, got back early." I hoped I was doing okay.

"Well, how was the mortal dimension?"

"It was, uh  fun, um," I tried to play along with whatever Bill was doing,

"Why hello, Mabel," Satan walked towards me. "I don't think we've met,"

"...No, I don't believe we have," he took my hand and raised it up to kiss it. Who knew Satan was such a gentleman. "So, you are...?"

"Mabel. Bill's, girlfriend," I smiled and stared at Bill for help. He walked over and put an arm around my waist. 

"Oh, how nice." He smiled. "Well, let's be on our way," he walked out of the room, back to the living room and we followed. "So, Bill," he turned back to us. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

"Go where?" I asked

"Well," Satan started, "A council member, Jack, has called one more trial against Bill. I'm sure you've heard of all this trouble with the failed Weirdmeggedon."

"Oh, that. Yeah I uh- have." Holy shit I'm so scared!

'You're doing great, keep going and stay calm.' I heard Bill's voice again. It calmed me down.

"Why don't you join us miss. I'm sure you'd love to help defend his case."

"No," Bill said a bit to quickly. "I- I uh don't think thats a great idea, Satan."

"Sure it is, come on. It will be fun. and maybe be over with sooner." He turned and walked out of the house. "Lets go." I looked at Bill. He seemed just as nervous as I was. He gave me a reassuring smile, took my hand, and we followed Satan out the door.

Dipper's POV

I saw the field around me close and Mabel disappeared form my sight. "Mabel! Mabel let me out!" I couldn't here anything. Maybe this was sound proof. "Uggg," I sighed and sat down against the wall. 

"Well, so much for trying to help her." I picked up a random piece of debris and tossed is against the opposite wall. "Damn, what happened here?" I looked around the room I was in to see burnt marks on the walls, broken piece of the room scattered everywhere, and what looked like a blood stain on the wall. I wondered if this was Mabel's doing. Was she training? Fighting? I hoped she was doing okay. 

I really wanted to come help her. I know I fucked up big time, but I wanted to make it up to her. I knew it was a long shot, but I needed my twin back. And seeing Bill cry over his twin made me realize how much it would hurt to lose her. 

I sat against that wall for a good 15 minutes before I heard something. Are the force fields coming down?

"Mabel? I was wondering when you'd let me out. I was starting to-" I stoped when I saw the person, or should I say demon, standing in front of me. 

"Sorry kid, I'm not Mabel,"

"Wh-who are you?"

"I'm Kill," he grabbed my arm and pulled me out. "Now come on kid, we've got a council meeting to attend."

"No!" I pulled back and took the gun out of my pocket. "Stay back!" I yelled pointing it at him. He stared at me, wide eyed and surprised. Until it changed into a smirk. 

"Well well well, what do you have?" he raised and eye brow and casually leaned against a wall

"A demon killing gun. Now get out of here. I know who you are, Mabel told me all about you!"

"Did she now?" he smirked. "So, are you going to shoot me or just stand there?"

"I-I," I didn't know what to do. I knew Ford probably wouldn't hesitate, but something was off. Why is he just standing there. Isn't he going to fight back? Take the gun?

"No kid, I don't need to. There's only one mortal human who might be able to make a gun to kill a demon, and you're not him," he laughed and I shot him straight in the chest.

"No, I'm not, but I stole his gun." he fell on to his knees and clutched his chest, groaning. I hesitantly walked towards him, gun still pointed. His groan started to slowly turn into a laugh and before I could react, he lunged at me, knocking me over. His hand pressed against my throat, pinning me down. 

"I said 'might' kid. But nice try," he laughed and I watched as the wound healed before my eyes. "But I'm glad you shot me, this will make my case so much easier," he laughed and pulled me up. He snapped his fingers and I appeared somewhere else. 

We were in a court room, and Mabel and Bill were up front. 

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