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Bill's POV

I was in the other room listening to Shootingstar and Pinetree. It sounded like everything was back to normal. Which was good. She needed some normal. After what she told me, I figured out her powers were connected to her emotions. Which was bad. Only a few demons were like this, but I should have known that she might have a higher chance of being one because she was a human first. 

This must have been why it was so hard for her to get a grasp on her powers. And when she got mad, they all flooded in at once. Which was good, and bad. She could have gotten really hurt from it, especially since I wasn't there to help. I wasn't sure if her powers would stay or not, but it was going to be pretty hard to predict. 

Shootingstar then walked back to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey," she grabbed the kettle and poured coffee into the mug, presumably for Pinetree.

"Hey, how'd it go?" 

"Good," she softly smiled 

"Good." she walked back out there with he coffee filled mug, then walked back to me.

"Bill," she sighed and wrapped her arms around me. "What are we going do?"

"Right now I think were safe enough, but... I don't really know what we can do." I cupped a hand around the back of her head, holding her to my chest, while my arm laid across her back.

"What about the mortal dimension? Is that safe?"

"Probably not, there's no where to hide. There are probably demons crawling around the Fearamid as we speak. Thats why I brought us here instead of there."

"So, were trapped?" I paused

"Yeah." She pulled back and turned to look at the fire, which was still burning a pine green. Her golden eyes were shining from the green light, and her pupils dilated down to slits. She was so beautiful, holy shit.

"What about Dipper? You said we need to send him back, but will they go after him"

"Probably not, but first you need to figure out how to teleport through dimensions."

"How long will that take?"

"I have no idea." she sighed. 

"Well that sucks." We stood silent for a moment, the fire making the only noise. "Wait," she turned to me. "What if I transfer some of my power to you?"

"I, don't think thats a good idea." I shook my head

"Why not?" she raised an eyebrow

"Because so many things could go wrong."


"You could get hurt, I could take to much, I could completely drain you, and since you're still transitioning, you can't afford to lose your power."

"I'm with Bill," Pinetree stood in the door frame. "It sounds way to risky."

"What about you staying here! They will kill you with out a second thought. we need to get you out of here before they come!"

"Well what about you! Apparently, they'll kill you too. What are you going to do!" They were both yelling at this point.

"We'll figure out!"


"I don't know!"

"I'm not leaving without you!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Dipper! Just fucking listen to me!"

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