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Will's POV

I walked through a dark forest trail that should lead to Kill so I can find him, like Bill told me to. Uggg. Stupid Bill. Always sending me to do his dirty work. I kicked a rock in my frustration. "ugh" I sighed "At least I get some powers" I held up my hand and black flames came from it. 

After Kill stripped me of all my powers, Bill fought, and beat him. But when he took all of Kill's power, he never gave mine back to me. He claims its "so that he can protect me" but I know he's just selfish. I hated it, but I couldn't do anything about it. Its been like this my entire life, Bill always got what he wanted and no one couldn't stop him. I was used to it by now. It sucked, but I learned how to deal with it. Taking extra long with my 'errands' so I get more time with my powers, or getting him to agree to other errands that I need powers for. It wasn't to bad. I just felt bad for Mabel. 

She seems to sweet and kind, and she's stuck with Bill. I mean, It looks like she loves him, but would she even have a choice if she didn't. Where else could she go. Its obvious I can't protect her, and her family probably won't after what I saw them do to her. I know that she knows Bill is evil, but I don't think she knows just how much of a monster he really is. She didn't even see half of it during weirdmeggedon. She has no idea what he's capable of, I just hope she-


My thoughts were interrupted as I swung my head behind me. I thought I was alone on this trail, I guess not. I scanned the forrest for any sign of another demon with me, but it was night so it was hard to see. My eyes stopped on a dark figure through the trees.

"Who's there!" I yelled. The figure started glowing red, until I could see him. It was Kill. Dammit

"Miss me brother?" He walked closer and smirked

"You're not my brother" I retorted with confidence, but still backed away.

"So be it," he brushed off the insult "What are you doing out here this late"

"None of you're business"

"Oh really" he walked closer and in my efforts to back away, my back hit a tree, and I was cornered by Kill "You could either tell me, or I could just read your mind to find out"

"you're powerless! You can't do that" Right?

"Wrong. I've grown more powerful since you last saw me. I thought you figured that out the last time we saw each other and fought" Not really but I've got a couple bruises to remember it. "And I am sorry about that. You know I've always liked you more than Bill"

"Why, because I'm weaker! Easier to manipulate!" Thats all I'm good for. Kill chuckled, probably hearing my thoughts

"Well, yes. But also because you're smarter. Able to see the big picture. And you're smart enough not to turn a mortal into a human" I tensed up at that. Shit, he knows about Mabel! "Well I know now" he laughed

"God dammit Kill, what do you want!"

"I want to end Bill, take back everything he's taken from me, and then everything he's got left. I want to make him suffer like I have for the past 5 centuries!"

"Well what do you want from me"

"I want you to join me"

"Hell no! You think I'd join you after what you did to me?"

"I did it to stop Bill! I was going to give your powers back" I knew he was lying

"Do you?"

"Yes!" He laughed

"Maybe, but is Bill any better? Does he treat you any nicer then what I did" I opened my mouth to deny it, but closed it when I realized he was right. "I know I am"

"I'm not joining you" 

"Oh really?" he leaned in closer "Then what else are you going to do?" I pushed him away

"Get the hell away from me" I snapped my fingers to get back to Bill, but a red chain formed on my wrists and pulled me down. "Ahg" I tried to get up and ran, but he punched me in the jaw and I fell over.

"You ready to hear me out" he laughed and came closer. I spit out blood and backed away

"No" I simply said. He gave a sadistic smile and I felt a sharp pain on my arms. "Ah!" I screamed and felt warm blood trickle down. "Get the hell away from me! I'm not going to help you!" he kicked me in the stomach, which knocked the wind out of me and shut me up.

"Oh I think you will help me, it will just take a while" he walked up and grabbed me bye the hair, forcing my head up

"W-what are you going to d-do?" I quivered. He laughed

"I'm not sure yet, but whatever it is, its going to be ten times worse then whatever Bill had done" Fuck, I thought. And with that, I blacked out.

Bill's POV

Mabel and I were I the training room I made for her, she was a little burnt and scratched up, but it was a lot better then last time. She started to get the hang of it, but she still had a long ways to go. We had been at it for a few days now, constantly trying to control her powers and determining what how much she had. I wasn't sure if she'd be weak or strong, considering she's not a full demon. And its not like I could ask anyone, considering no one could know. Ugh, this sucks.


An explosion sounded, snapping me out of my thoughts and sent me flying back a few feet.

"ahg, hey Bill" she called she was thrown against the wall and had her hand over her right cheek

"Yeah?" I stood up and walked over to her

"Can you help me" she pulled her hand down to revel a large red gash. She had been getting better when it came to dealing with pain due to the whole demon thing so it was nice the she didn't feel everything as much as she used to. I leaned down and pulled her face closer



"I want you to try to heal it your self"

"Bill, I can't. Please"

"Just try"

"But I-"

"Do it!" I yelled a little too loudly, making her flinch. After this she needs a break. It's taking too much out of her, and I'm getting tired as well.

I looked down at her as she closed her eyes and focused. Then, a small golden flame appeared on her cut. It started to heal. Come on Shootingstar, you can do it. It was almost healed when she let out a scream.

"AH!" she yelled in agony as the flame started to burn her. I quickly stopped it and healed her with my own powers, though I did a sloppy job since I gave some to Will, and healing is not my strong suit.

She clutched her face in her hands

"Shootingstar, are you okay?"

"No" I heard a muffled cry

"Come here" I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in close. "Do you want to take a break?"


"Are you hungry?"

"No." That was good. It meant she was becoming more like a demon, which is what she needed to do. I didn't really want her to take a break, but she had to. Ive been having her train nonstop because she needs to become a full demon or she would end up dying. But she also has to want it, it has to be her. 

I carried her up to our room. We share one now, and put her on the bed. She was already asleep by the time I got there, so I pulled the covers over her and walked out quietly.

I went back don't to the training room and tried to use my powers to clean it up, but I couldn't

"Dammit" I cursed. Will still had some of my powers, and cleaning up the magic mess would take more then what I had. Speaking of Will, where is he? Its been almost five days, he should be back by now. I tried to connect to him mentally, but couldn't find him. Is he not in the this dimension? Where the hell is he? What is he doing? I brushed it off and decided to give him a few more days to turn up. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad happened to him.

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