
978 35 21

Bill's POV

"Will, we need to get out of here," I said looking at my twin. I ended up in the same dungeon as Will, and was not in good shape, because of Kill. His clothes were dripping blood from wounds that hadn't healed, he had a black eye, there was a large gash on his right cheek, his neck seemed bruised, and his voice sounded weak and hoarse. 

"There's no way out," he kept his head low, and his voice quiet. He was in so much pain, and he was dying. I needed to get him out so I could fix him.

"We have to try!"

"What do you think I've been doing?" he snapped, letting the pain fill his voice.

"I know, but you need help, now,"

"I-I'm fine Bill."

"No, you're not!"

"What about-," he hesitated "her" he whispered. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah," I said, surprised he was concerned with her. "She's safe."

"Good. They're looking for her. They'll do anything to find her," I looked at his wounds, believing what he was saying.

"Who's they?"

"Jack and Kill"

"No one else knows?"

"Not yet, I don't think so. But I'm not completely sure."

"Thats good," I paused then looked at him. "Will." He hummed in response. "I'm sorry."

"I know," was all he said in response. I wasn't expecting him to forgive me, but I had hoped he would. 

 I sighed, trying to think of a way out of here. When none came to mind, I let my thoughts travel to Shootingstar. Would she be okay in the Fearamid, there wasn't much protection spells there, and now she was powerless and alone. And Jack and Kill are looking for her. Oh shit! I thought remembering her family could be out there as well. If they find her, she's screwed. 

A cough from Will interrupted my thoughts. Blood spurted onto the ground from his mouth and cuts, then he went back limp against the wall. I didn't know how much longer he could hold on. His weakened state was making it harder to heal himself, and with the Hell that Kill put him through, he was barely hanging on. Will, I'm so so sorry. I hung my head low and stayed silent, listening to the dying breaths of my twin.

Mabel's POV

"No, Bill! Stop, Come back, Bill!" I screamed at him, but the just left. "Got dammit Bill, come back," I pulled on the chains, trying to break loose, but they didn't budge. I looked down and noticed a thin blade on the floor, not to far from me. I reached over with my foot attempting to slide it over. "Ug, come on," I inched my foot closer, stretching out as much as I could. Finally I felt it under my foot. "Yes!" I slid it over and picked it up. I shoved it into the lock, moving it around trying to pick the lock.


I pulled my hand out and bolted upstairs after Bill. "Bill!" I looked around for him, running outside. I just barley caught a glimpse of Bill and Kill, before they disappeared not even a second lated. "Bill, no" I dropped to my knees, defeated.

I was alone, I was powerless, Bill had been taken from me, I had no one else to turn to, and there was a fucking demon council looking for me. 

I wanted to cry, I wanted to cry until my eyes fell out. I wanted to shrivel up in a corner and stay there, I wanted to die.

But I didn't. Despite how miserable I felt, there was something taking over that feeling, something that was new to me. Something I've never felt this powerful.


I was pissed. It felt like fire and electricity were running threw me, but it didn't hurt, it just felt like I wanted something. I wanted to hurt someone, I wanted to take back what was mine, I wanted... revenge.

Suddenly, I felt something snap inside of me, something unlock, and I screamed as a large burst of power shot out of me and hit the wall of the Fearamid. I fell to my knees, shaking at the feeling. My powers returned. I looked down to see my hands brightly engulfed in golden flames. My skin flickered from pitch black, to normal and the golden pyramid patterns were glowing more then ever. I had no idea why I suddenly got my powers back, but I didn't care. I stood up, and walked closer to the edge of the floating pyramid. I looked down at the ground far below, and jumped

I felt the wind hitting my face, as I fell through the air coming closer to the ground. I stretched my black bat like wings and wondered if they would work, I started to flap them, and surprisingly enough, I went up,

"Whoa!" I smiled to myself, and flew in the air, testing some of my powers. I had a lot of power, surprisingly. I didn't know how, but I was more powerful then ever. It was still hard to control, and I still didn't know how to use a lot of my abilities, but I didn't care, I needed to focus on teleporting myself back to the demon dimension to save Bill and Will.

I landed and tried to think of how Will and Bill did it when I was with them, but I had no idea how. I closed my eyes and pictured myself with them, and snapped my fingers. 

I opened my eyes, nothing had happened.

Then I closed my eyes and pictured myself in Bill's house

I opened my eyes, nothing had happened

Then I closed my eyes and pictured myself beating Kill's little baby bitch face into a pulp

It made me smile, but still nothing had happened when I opened my eyes.

"Fuck!"  groaned. I had no idea how to get back there. Usually Bill would train me and teach me how to use my different abilities, but we never got to this one. He always said I wasn't ready and didn't have enough power. Maybe that was still true. "Uggg." I need to get to him.

Then I thought of something else. A new plan. It was a stupid plan, and I would much rather bang my head against a wall then go through with it, but it was the only thing I could think of. It might get me killed, but if there's a chance I could get back to Bill, it was worth it.

I flew back up into the air, headed towards the only place that I thought could have the tools to get me to another dimension,

The Mystery Shack.

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