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Mabel's POV

I sat there for a couple hours, just twiddling the fire in my hands. I glanced at Dipper a few times, but he just had his eyes shut. He was pretty weak from all the blood he lost. I looked at his arm, which had recently started bleeding again. I stood up and walked over to him, kneeling down and untying his arm, trying to holding it steady. He jumped awake and looked at me.

"M-Mabel?" he tried to jerk his arm back but I caught it and pulled it back.

"Be still," I said flat toned

"Don't hurt me I-"

"Shut up!" he stayed quiet. I sent my golden flames across his arm, not hurting him this time. I stood back up with out a word and went back to my sitting position. When I got there, I realized I left his arm untied, but I didn't care. I could take them both out easily, and I hoped they knew that.

"Thank you." I hummed in response. He also realized his arm was still untied. He hesitated, glancing at me, then untied the rest of himself, speeding up when he realized I didn't care. He walked over to Ford and asked if he could help him, but Ford told him to rest because of the amount of blood he lost. 

He walked back over to me, and to my disappointment, sat down right next to me. I kept my gaze on my flames, while he kept looking at me. 

"Mabel, look I really am so-"

"Just stop, If your going to say you're sorry, I don't care."

"Please, just listen to me! I felt terrible after what we did and-"

"You tried to kill me!" I finally turned to face him

"No, we- no. We were trying to save you, turn you human."

"Which would have killed me! I'm a demon because I died as a human. You watched me die!"


"Turning me into a demon doesn't bring me back to life, it just, made me a demon. I'm still dead, just not as a demon." My voice grew quieter. 

"I'm sorry." I didn't reply. I wasn't planning on forgiving him anytime soon. Plus, I'll I could think about right now was Bill.

"So..." Dipper started, "What's going on. I mean, why do you need this, and where's Bill?"

"Thats a long story."

"We have time."

"Maybe I don't want to tell you," I said coldly staring straight ahead

"Oh," he looked away and didn't say anything else. I sighed.

"Bill got into some trouble, long story short, there's a couple demons after me. They already have Bill and his twin, and I can't get back to them without this portal,"

"Um, what?" Dipped said confused. I sighed in annoyance.

"Fine, since we have a couple days to kill, I might as well just tell you the whole story."

So, for the next few hours, I told him what had happened, leaving out a few details. I didn't tell him much about the Demon Dimension. I left out telling him what powers I had. But mostly everything else I told him, mostly just to kill some time.

"Okay," he looked at me confused. "So Kill is Bill and Will's brother-?"

"They disowned him,"

"Well yes but aside from that he is, and Kill wants revenge on Bill?"


"And he's using you to get that revenge?"


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