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Mabel's POV

It had been a couple years since we got back, and everything was starting to go back to normal. Currently, Bill and I were walking around in the forest, carful to beware of another demons. We came to a lake and sat down in it, staring at the water together.

Who knew, that after being kidnapped by a demon, killed, turned into a demon, betrayed, attacked, and put on trial, that my life could turn out so perfectly.

Bill, Dipper and I now lived in the Mystery Shack. Though some demons come attack it at times, they are never able to get past the force felid, which Ford and Dipper perfected. Bill and I can now walk harmlessly through it with out being hurt. 

After Ford fixed the field, he hands over the deed to the shack. He said he needed time alone, but I think he still hasn't forgiven Bill, or maybe me yet.

Either way, we all lived in the shack now. Dipper made a section in the lab for power training, and I've gotten pretty good at it by now. 

All in all, life is pretty good. Our parents even drop by at times to see us, of course, we didn't tell them the whole demon thing. Whenever Wendy is in town, she comes by and helps out with the shop. Pacifica comes by a lot now. Probably because she has a crush on Dipper but neither of them will admit it. 

Basically, I couldn't have asked for a better life. I was with Bill, who I was madly in love with, and Dipper, who was my other half.

"Mabel," Bill snapped my out of my thoughts

"Yeah," I turned to him, realizing how nervous he seemed.

"I, I really love you, and I'm guessing you love me. Otherwise you wouldn't have put up with all the shit Ive put you through." I laughed

"Yeah, I guess."

"Anyways, I need to ask you something." he stood up and reached out to my hand. I took his and he helped me up. "Mabel, my love," he reached behind him ad pulled out a golden velvet box. He then got down on one knee and opened it, revealing the most beautiful song I have ever seen. "Will you marry me?" I gasped and put my hands over my mouth, tears already streaking my cheeks.


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