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Quick A/N

Unlike the rest of the pictures, the one used for this chapter is my own work :)

Ok, on with the story!!!

Mabel's POV

When I woke up and Bill wasn't in bed, I was mad. But not as mad as I was when I realized he wasn't even in the house. "Bill! Bill!" I had been looking for him for 20 minutes, and still noting. "Dammit, where did he go?" I eventually gave up and went to the living room and plopped lazily down on the couch. 

"Uggg," I groaned, realizing theres nothing to do. I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, I don't want to use my powers without Bill here incase I get hurt, and I have no idea where he even is. 

Eventually I decided that going to the training room for a little bit wouldn't be to bad. I could just start off with something small and easy.

I walked down there and tried summoning some small flames. For the most part, it worked. I sat there for a while, playing with the golden fire, making different shapes and increasing the size. When that got boring, I tried to do something with a little more power. I was just about to try to teleport, when I herd something up stairs. Bill? Yay! Finally he's back.

I ran upstairs to see Bill. "I was wondering when you'd be back!" I shouted, still down the hall. "I was starting to get worried-" I gasped as I was cut off by what was standing in front of me when I came in to view of the living room. 

"Hello babe, sorry, we're not Bill" he laughed

"K-kill!" Him and another demon were standing in the living room. I started to back up. This couldn't be good.

"So," the other one started, "This is her?"

"Yes, this is Bill's little pet." I glared at him and tried to think of ways to get out of this. Maybe I can fight my way out?

"I dont think thats such a good idea, considering last time," Kill laughed, and the other one walked towards me. I backed up away from him, until I hit a wall and was trapped.

"Hello, I'm Jack, pleased to meet you," he smirked, I looked away.

"What do you want!"

"Oh, you already know what I want" Kill walked closer as well, "I want revenge on my brother."

"Stay back!" I screamed, holding a flame engulfed hand out towards them. Jack quickly grabbed my wrist though, and the flames died out. Not even a second later, I felt a burning sensation on my wrist where he had grabbed it, then it went through my arm, them my chest, then my entire body felt like it was burning.

"Ahg" I screamed and fell to my knees, with him still holding my wrist. 

"Now, thats better" Jack tighten his grip on my wrist, but the pain slowly died out. "What should we do with her" he looked back at Kill.

"Take her back to your house and put her with Will." 


"What about Bill?"

"I'll take care of him," Kill spat out. No! Bill! "Oh, don't worry babe," Kill leaned down and gripped my chin forcing my head up. "I'll make sure they don't hurt you," he let go and laughed. "But Bill, he's a different story." Before I could respond, I felt chains being wrapped around me, and Jack pulled me up by them. He dragged me away from the living room and snapped his fingers.

And I was gone.

Bill's POV

"State your name for the record" a monotone high pitch squeaky voice said.

"Bill Cipher"

Pyrotic was 'questioning' me, aka she was asking a bunch unless questions that they already knew and was wasting my time!

"Demon type?"

"Dream Demon"


"Will Cipher," she looked up from her paper


"Kill Cipher" I seethed. She looked back down to write and I turned to Satan. "Is all of this really necessary?"

"Yes," he stood up. "A thousand demons were banished to Hell Bill. This is serious." I rolled my eyes and looked away


"24 trillion. But you already have all this information!"

"Power level?"

"nine," I looked back at Satan

"We know but you wasted a lot of recourses to just fail without a decent explanation"

"yes but how is all of this going to help?"

"I don't know" he sounded rather irritated

"Home dimension?"

"Here! Then why waste both of our times?"

"Jack recommended it."

"Wait, what?"

"Jack said this would help us, but now that I think of it, he's an idiot. How the hell is this supposed to help"

"Jack" I whispered to my self. "Kill was with Jack, and..." suddenly the realization hit me like a truck. "Fuck!"

"Something wrong Cipher?" Satan glared at me

"I-i just, I need to check something," I quickly stood up and bolted out of the capital, imminently transporting myself to my house when I was outside. 

"Shootingstar! Mabel! Are you here!" I ran through my house, checking everywhere. I finally burst into the kitchen, to see a very smug looking Kill, leaning against the counter. "Kill," I was seething so much anger I could've exploded from it. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!"

"Don't worry Bill," he laughed. "She's safe, and I'll take good care of her when your gone." he smirked and stood up straight 

"I don't know what the fuck your high on if you think you can beat me" he laughed and came closer, red flames starting to turn in his hands. 

"We'll see." he smirked and threw the first blow. I easily dodged it, but I could tell he was much stronger the he was before.

"You wanna FIGHT!" I screamed and threw a blast at him, hitting him square in the chest. A hit like that should have knocked him out, but he simply doubled over and recovered just as quickly. 

"Dammit Bill," he laughed. "You just always!" he fired a shot and I just barley dodged it. "THINK!" he fired two more. "YOUR BETTER!" he quickly fired one more, this one finally hitting me, knocking me to the ground. "THEN EVERYONE ELSE!" I got to my knees, but he fired a final blast, much more powerful then the rest throwing me through the wall of the kitchen and into the living room. I tried to stand but I couldn't. SHIT

He walked over and placed a foot on my chest. I tried to shove it off, but his shots were lowering my energy. I was almost powerless. 

"You did it to me!" STOMP "You did it to Will!" STOMP "Shit, you probably did it to her, didn't you" STOMP STOMP STOMP. I started to cough up blood. I couldn't help but think back to Mabel, locked in a dungeon, me cutting in to her arms like she was my property. He's right, I do it to everyone. At this point I was ready to give up. It was over. I lost.

He pulled his foot away and snickered. "Ya know Bill, I might not even tell the council about her. I might want to have a little fun first." That was it. That was my breaking point. I stood up furious and charged at him, which only got me thrown into the opposite wall. With a blurry vision, I saw him coming towards me with a kill shot. Without thinking, I snapped my fingers and teleported somewhere else. 

Without her.

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