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Mabel's POV

For the next week, all we did was train. It was starting to get irritating. We'd go down, I'd try to figure out how to use my powers, probably ending up hurting me, or Bill, or both, and then we'd take a break for a few hours. That was what happened over and over again. The worst part was I wasn't getting any better at controlling my powers.

"Bill stop!" I lowered my hands. He was having me block shots that he sent at me, but each one I either dodged, or took the hit to in my arm. I couldn't block any of them with my powers. He raised his hand to fire again. "Bill, I said STOP!" with the last word, a large pule of energy escaped me, sending Bill and I flying in to opposite walls. "agh" I groaned 

"Dammit Mabel" I looked up in shock to see a very unhappy Bill storming this way. I wasn't sure what he was so mad about, until I felt the blood pour down from the back of my head. He knelt down and took my head in his hands, covering the wound and trying to heal it.

"I-I'm sorry" I said breathless.

"Its not your fault, its mine. I should have stopped" I hung my head low so he could see the wound better and waited for him to fix it. But he didn't, he just held a piece of cloth to it.

"Bill? Aren't you going to fix it?"

"I can't" he stated bluntly. 

"Why the hell not!" I looked up and grabbed the cloth from him and held it to my head

"Because, I'm low on power from training."

"Thats not how it works" I retorted. I have only been a demon for a while, but I knew that wasn't how it worked.

"I know"

"Then whats going on" I sat up a little straighter.

"Never mind that," he stood up "I want you to heal it" 

"Bill, this isn't some gash on my cheek and-"

"I know, I'll help you this time. Okay?" I took a deep breath.

"Okay" I brought my shaking hand up to the wound, taking the cloth off. The blood loss was starting to make me dizzy, but I wasn't in much pain. I didn't know if it was from the shock or being a demon. Probably the latter. 

Bill placed his flame engulfed hand onto mine, and blue and golden flames mixed together, covering the wound and around. I felt it healing. Bill gave my hand a little squeeze and smiled down at me. I kept my concentration on healing my head. Bill then took his hand away, and I finished it up. Once it was finally healed, I brought my hand down and looked up at Bill. He smiled, then I did to. We both broke out into a laugh of relief and he hugged me. 

"Are you better now" he realized me and looked down

"Yeah. Can I take a little break though?" he bit his lip like he was debating it in his mind before finally responding

"Ok. Just for a few hours though. You really need to learn this quickly"

"Okay" I leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks" he grabbed my shoulders.

"No no no," he smirked "I want more then then that for a 'thanks'" he pulled me in and pushed his lips on mine. They were soft, and warm, and comforting. It felt like they were restoring all the energy I had lost in training. I kissed him back, and our mouths moved in perfect sync with each other. I let my hands travel up his back, and he kept his on the back of my neck. When he finally pulled away, he swooped me up bridal style and walked towards the kitchen.

"I love you Shootingstar"

"I love you to Bill"

Will's POV

I woke up in a cell, in some sort of dungeon with my hands chained to the wall. I tried to pull on them to see if they would budge, but they started to glow and burn into my skin.

"AHHG," I groaned out in pain and collapsed back on the ground. The chains cooled down again, and I moved closer to the wall to try and prevent that from happening again. I realized I had dried blood covering my arms and clothes. My arms and legs felt extremely sore. "What happened" I thought as I tried to remember why I was here.

The memory clicked when I heard Kill walking down to my cell.

"Hey Will, You conscious yet?" he laughed and walked up to the front of the cell. I shakily tried to make my self sit up, but the chains wouldn't let me get very far. Did they get shorter? "How are you feeling?" He drummed his fingers on the bars of the cell

"Do I really have to answer that?" I asked, motioning to the dried blood everywhere

"Not if you don't want to. I'm just trying to be nice." I resisted a laugh. Nice, you fucking call this NICE you shit bag?! "Language little brother"

"We're the same age, and I'm still not you're brother," he rolled his eyes at this.

"Anyways, are you ready to help or not"

"Not" I bluntly stated

"Suit yourself. I don't even need your help. I just didn't want you missing out on getting powers back"

"What do you mean 'you don't need my help.' Whats this all about then?"

"Honestly I just thought it would be funny if I could get you to betray Bill," he laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. "But if you really don't want to, you can stay here. Though it doesn't look to comfortable" I rolled my eyes at this.

"Since when did you have a dungeon in your house?"

"You really think were in my house? I'm not that obvious," he let go of the bars on my cell.

"Then where are we?"

"Were in Jack's house" he leaned back on the cell opposite of mine

"The council member?" 


"And, he just is letting you kidnap me and keep me here?"

"Well, yes."

"Isn't that illegal?" I tried to re adjust into a more comfortable position with no success.

"Technically" he groaned out the word "Yes, but I'm helping him solve the case for what happened in weirdmeggedon and I told him you were a, 'unwilling asset' to the case"

"What am I even here for then"

"Mainly, you'll serve as a witness"

"For what?"

"For admitting to the council that he brought that, mortal girl here and turned her with out permission"

"I dont know what you're talking about," I lied

"You know I can read minds, right" he smirked. "And so can most of the council members," I gulped "So this will be fun" he laughed and walked off

Bill, I'm so sorry. I tried to use my powers to escape, but Kill took them. He must have been getting his other powers from the council, but why. They never pitied him before. What changed?

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