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Bill's POV

When I woke up, I saw Shootingstar kneeling next to the couch watching her unconscious twin. It imminently reminded me of Will, and I then remembered where we were. Will's house. I stood up and walked over to her.

"How is he," I knelt down next to her and she kept her gaze on him.

"Fine, I think. He hasn't moved in a while though."

"I'm sure he's alright."

"Yeah, I'm sure," she said with a mix of sarcasm and venom.

"You never did tell me why he's here, or how you're here, or how you have your powers." I stood up and she did to.

"It's a bit of a long story,"

"We have time," I turned around and walked towards the kitchen, she followed me in.

"Coffee?" I asked, holding up a black kettle. "Will always kept some lying around.

"Is that where we are? Will's house?"


"Oh," she said quietly, wiping a finger on the counter, leaving a trail in the dust.

"So," I tried to change the mood. "Coffee or no?"

"Yeah, sure." she walked over and grabbed the kettle from me, filling it with water. I walked to the far right cabinet where he always kept the grounds, and carefully filtered them in to the pot.

"The fire place is just over there, if you want to go hang it up." She walked over to where I pointed and lit the log with her golden flames. I shot some of my blue flames in to, creating a brownish green color. She hung the kettle over the fire, and walked back over to me. I leaned against the counter and she leaned against the one opposite to me.

"So," I asked


"The story,"

"Oh, yeah."

"What happened?"

"Do you want it from the beginning?"


"Well, right when Kill took you, something happened, and I got my powers back. I don't really know how it happened, but I was just, really mad, furious, and it just happened." I nodded, knowing exactly what that meant, but I decided not to tell her, not yet. "Then, when I realized I couldn't teleport through dimensions, I knew the only other people who could get me back here were-"

"Pinetree and Sixer," I finished.

"Yeah. So, after I went to them for help, the portal was finally working. But when I came through, Dipper followed me. He wanted me to forgive him or something."

"Well that was dumb as shit," I mumbled.

"Yeah, so after he did that, we went to find you, and yeah," she stopped knowing I knew the rest.

"So you have a lot of powers now, huh?"

"Yeah," she laughed a little and looked at her hands.

"How does it feel?" she took a deep breath

"Over whelming," we both laughed.

"Yeah, it does take some getting used to, doesn't it?"

"Just a little." she glanced over at the kettle on the fire, which was obviously boiling.

"I'll get it," I walked over and took it from the fire, setting it in the stone mantel. "Grab a couple of mugs." I looked back at her

"Where are they," she said standing up straight.

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