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Mabel's POV

I gasped "W-what?" Shit, this didn't look good. Will looked like he was about to pass out from blood loss. What is he planning to do to me?

"I am Kill Cipher" he said, sounding irritated to have to repeat himself.

"Are you Bill and Wills' brother?" I asked trying to stall for time. Bill will come back soon

"Yes, I am. And no babe. He won't come in time to save you" Shit, he's a mind reader

"What do you want" I said trying to muster any confidence I could find. I found none.

"Well, I heard my brother was back in town from a failed apocalypse, and I thought it might be fun to stop by and mock him for it. But now, I see he's brought you here. And you, well, you are not a real demon" he laughed. "I wonder what the council would do." he pulled on Wills chains to get his attention. Poor Will was covered in blood and cowering in fear "What do you think Will? What are they going to do?" Will stayed silent and Kill just threw him back down on the ground. I was about to run to help him, when Kill shot me a glare, causing me to back up. He laughed at this. "Oh babe, they'll kill you, and Bill" he laughed again and started walking towards me. "What are you going to do?" He smirked

"S-stay back!" I stuttered trying to back up, but I felt my back hit the wall. He closed in on me and put his hands on the wall on either side of me, blocking me in.

"Or what?" he mocked leaning in closer to my face, "What are you going to do?" He laughed, then grabbed the back of my neck and held me in place, before crashing his lips onto mine. I screamed and kicked to get away from him. With my free arm, I hit him in the head, which caused him to pull back. He kept his hand on my neck though, and used it to throw me on the ground. 

"Agh!" I grunted as I met the floor. I rolled over and tried to scoot away from him, but he grabbed me by the throat. "ah-gah" I tried to speak but I couldn't.

"Listen here, Bill can't save you, Will can't save you, you're helpless." he laughed "And now you're mine." I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, until I tried one last thing. I raises my hand and used my powers to hit him. I aimed for his head, but my vision was blurry and hit him in the stomach. It still caused him to fly back, which gave me enough time to stand up and try to get away, but by the time I did, he was already up. And I thought Bill was scary when he was mad. Kill was absolutely terrifying.

"YOU LITTLE-" he screamed about to fire a shot at me, but something knocked him to the ground. I looked over, and Bill was standing there.

"Bill!" I screamed running over to him. He pulled me into him and hugged me tightly, keeping one hand up with a flame pointed towards Kill.

"Are you okay!?" he looked down at me, pulling away slightly.

"Yeah" I said still breathing heavy. He let go and stood protectively in front of me, looking over at Kill, who was now standing up

"Aww, look at that babe, you still need this pathetic demon to-" he was cut off by Bill throwing him against the wall, then pinning him with a forearm to the throat.


"Good to see you to Bill, how has it been what with the huge failure of Weirdmeggedon. I already caught up with Will over there" I looked over at a now unconscious Will "But I haven't seen you in a while?" Kill laughed sarcastically. Bill just glared at him

"I'm not in the mood for your games! What the hell do you want!"

"Oh Bill, it's simple" he laughed "I just want revenge. How about I'll take her, and well call it even" Bill let go of him, his hands covered in blue flames

"Not going to happen. Now get out before I kill you."

"You know you can't do that" Kill said with a smirk. Bill's flames grew

"Wanna bet" he growled

"Not at the moment." he laughed "Alright, I'll leave, but I can guarantee I'll be back soon. Bye" he said winking at me. He snapped his fingers, and was gone. I imminently turned around and ran to Will, kneeling down next to him. I brushed his blood stained hair away from his face. Bill came up behind me and picked him up.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked

"Yeah" Bill said, sounding unconcerned. "He'll be fine," he walked to a room in the house with Will in his arms and put him on a bed and walked back out to me.

"Mabel, are you okay, really"

"Yeah" I said trying my best to give a reassuring smile

"What did he do?" I looked away from him, not meeting his eyes. I really didn't want to talk about it. I don't even want to remember how disgusting his lips felt, it was terrible. Bill just looked at me, then hugged me. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault"

"No its not. You didn't know" I tried to sound okay, but it didn't work.

"I promise you, nothing like that will ever happen again," we hugged for a while before I let go. He then picked me up, and carried me to the potato salad and laid down with me. We just laid there for a while, . Eventually I sat up and moved over on the couch. Sitting crossed legged I turned and face him. 

"Hey, Bill?" I asked. He sat up and turned to me


"You didn't tell me you had another sibling" I questioned him, waiting for a response.

"Because..." he paused as to consider what to say "Because I don't consider him a sibling anymore. Me and Will disowned the bastard and haven't seen him in a few centuries"


"Why what?" 

"Why did you disown him? I mean, what did he do that was that bad." I agreed that he was a bastard, but how do you fuck up so bad that your brothers disown you?  Bill looked at me then back at the ground

"When a demon is born, they receive a level of powers based on their parents, but when twins, or triplets" he motioned to himself "are born, the power is split among the kids. Not always evenly. Me, Will and Kill each received a different level of powers. I got, maybe half, Kill got a little less then half, and Will got whatever was left. Kill, was always jealous of my powers and constantly tried to take them from me, but I was always stronger, and so he never could. Of course, it wasn't until he took Wills powers, that I realized he was a complete dick head. He thought with his and Wills combined strength that he could over power me" Bill laughed "Not likely. So, after he tried, I took his powers. And now, I have all of the powers"

"That's why he wants revenge"


"And thats why you're so powerful"

"Precisely" he grinned and leaned back

"So he's powerless now, right. He can't..." my voice trailed off " anything" I said, barely audible. Bill sat back up and took my hands. 

"Shootingstar, there is nothing you need to worry about. He can't hurt you. I promise" he looked into my eyes. I searched him for any sign of disbelief, but found none. 

"okay" I smiled and leaned into him. He leaned back, and pulled me into a hug and I burried my head in his chest. "I love you" I whispered 

"I love you too"

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