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Mabel's POV

I pulled against the chains holding me to the wall of a dungeon and tried to burn them off, with no luck. I yanked at them, slamming them against the cement wall, I twisted them and pulled as hard as I could. 

"It won't work," I heard Will's voice next to me. "Nothing can break it"

"I have to try! They're going to kill him!" I frantically pulled harder for ten more minutes. My wrists started to bleed and eventually I grew to tired to keep fighting it and let my body go limp against the wall, like Will. I was panting and couldn't catch my breath for a minute.

"Face it, we lost. If we just stay quiet, they might go easier on-"

"NO!" I slammed my hand against the wall, splattering blood on me and Will. "I'm sick of being a prisoner to demons. I'm sick of being chained up. I'm fucking sick of being a demon!" I yelled, but it slowly turned into to a cry and burried my head in my knees. "I-I just want to go home." It was silent for a moment, aside from my muffled sobs. Until Will spoke again.

"Which home?"

"Huh?" I looked up

"Which home? The one back in your old dimension, or the one here?"

"I-" I blinked. "I-, wherever Bill is." Will silently looked down

"Mabel, Bill's probably, d-"

"DON'T SAY IT!" I pulled at the chains again, holding in tears.

"I'm sorry."

"No, y-you don't! You don't u-understant! I-I-"

"Yes, I do! I'm losing a brother here! A twin! And I know you know what that feels like. To have something that should always be there for you, completely ripped away." Will stared and the ground while he talked. I choked back a sob. 

"We need to get out of here," I said quietly.

"Well sweetheart," A third voice chimed from across the dungeon. "Thats not going to happen." Jack then stepped into view. I glared daggers at him, but couldn't find the courage to say anything.

"Jack?" Will glanced up at him. "Your working for Kill?" Jack laughed

"Kill's working for me"

"Why? Why are you keeping us here"

"Sure, let me just take this time to completely tell you my entire plan"

"Go on," I said sarcastically with out looking at him

"Well, if it isn't the little 'mortal' speaking up." he spat the last work out like venom. "I can't believe Cipher was stupid enough to do that!" he laughed. "Not that I care, just makes my plans easier. I kept my eyes on the ground, wishing I had the courage to stand up to him, but in truth, I was scared. I missed Bill. And aside from the bloodied and bruised demon chained next to me, I was completely alone.

"Hmp," Jack scoffed "Nothing else to say," he turned and walked out. "I'll be back later, but for now, I need to go check on Bill" he laughed and slammed the door. Will and I sat in silence before I got angry and started pulling at the chains again. Will sighed

"Mabel, please, you really should conserve you strength"

"I. Don't. Care." I said breathlessly, giving another pull with each word before slowing.

"Mabel, the chains take away all of your powers. Or whatever ones you have left"

"What about your chains?"

"Most of my powers are already gone. The chains just keep me here."


"Yeah, but it won't be enough to do anything." he paused "Unless..."

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