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Bill's POV

We followed Satan to the court room. Shootingstar's thoughts were racing the entire time. She was scared out of her mind. It took everything I me not to be freaking out with her. But I had to keep my cool if we were going to get out of this. 

'Bill! What are we going to do!?!'

It will be okay, I promise. I kept my gaze ahead.

'But what if they can sense me, like Kill did?'

If Satan hasn't noticed you by now, I doubt he will. You're powers have gotten stronger so that masks it. And I'm helping a little bit, using a spell to cover it up more. You should be good.


Just stay calm and we'll be fine. I promise


We walked the rest of the way just behind Satan. Shootingstar was still scared but she showed it less, which I was glad for. This would be hard to pull off, but if we did, it would all be over. And I can get back to her, and only her.

When we arrived in the court room, I saw the other four council members. Dormamu sat on the right side of the judges seat, and Aitian and Alentina sat on the left side, and Jack was standing in the middle of the room talking to someone. The court room was buzzing with the sounds of most of the demon community here. Wait!?

"Satan, I thought this was just a meeting?" I asked him confused

"No, I told you it was a trial." he walked towards the judge seat

"You didn't say it was a public trial,"

"You'll be fine Cipher. I'll try to make the quick," I grumbled and me and Shootingstar went to take a seat. Dammit, this would be a little harder then I thought.

Before we made it to our seats, I ran into Jack. Shootingstar visibly tense up and clung onto me tighter.

"Bill, so glad you could make it."Jack smirked

"Jack," I slightly stood in front of Shootingstar. "Am I correct to assume you called this trial?"

"Yes, you are." Jack said, seeming proud of his accomplishment.

"And, what exactly do you hope to accomplish? How will this be any different from the meeting?"

"I have some new evidence that recently surfaced."

"Do you now."

"Yup, and your girlfriend there is one of them." Jack looked at Shootingstar. "How are you babe, no hard feelings right?" he laughed and I put an arm around her.

"Don't fucking talk to her," I growled

"Oh, Bill. I am going to enjoy this so much." hHe started to walk away, then leaned into my ear. "Oh," he whispered so no one else could hear. "And I'm sorry about Will," he said sarcastically and that fucking smirk came back.

"Jack," I seethed. "You are so lucky I don't kill you right now."

"But that won't look good on you're trial." he chuckled and I glared daggers at him. He laughed and walked away 

"Good luck," he called out.

"Come on," I grabbed Shootingstar and walked towards our seats.

Jack, Satan, Shootingstar and I took our seats. We were getting ready to start, then Alentina noticed Shootingstar.

"Who's this," she chimed, gesturing to Shootingstar.

"This is Mabel," Satan said. "Bill's girlfriend."

"Oh no!" she laughed. "Someone tell Pyrotic she's been dumped," she and the rest of the court room started laughing. It was a well known joke that Pyrotic was flirt and I was her main target.

'What?' I heard Shootingstar's angry thoughts

Long story, nothing to worry about. I promise. She didn't respond. 

"Well Bill," Alentina continued. "She's definitely a cute one." She winked at Shootingstar. "Its nice to meet you sweetie." I saw Shootingstar resist a cringe, remembering that was what Pyronica called her. 

"Its nice to meet you too-"

Alentina, I quickly told her

"Alentina," she finished, smiling.

Alentina and Aitian on the left, Dormamu on the right, and you already know Jack, the dick head working with Kill.

'Yeah, I know him.' she thought back bitterly. I gripped her hand to try to comfort her a little more.

"Alright everyone," Satan boomed. The room was quiet. "Let's make this quick, I need to get back to Hell,"

"Bill Cipher," Jack stood up. "You have been tried with banishing hundreds of demons to Hell."

"Um, no. I told you that was Pyronica,"

"She was not strong enough to be able to do that. And where is she now?"


"Not here to defend herself so you put all of the blame on her"

"Alright!" Satan stood up. "Thats enough Jack. Sit down." Jack grumbled and sat down. "We have already decided that Cipher was innocent on that account."

"Then why are we here?" I questioned throwing my hand up in the air. "Isn't this settled already."

"Jack told me that he had new evidence." Satan looked at Jack. "So what is it."

"It's coming, its just late," Jack said, sounding annoyed. What, Kill? What's Kill going to do? I'll put that bastard up on trial for the murder of my brother! 

"Jack!" Satan sounded irritated. Well that's not good. "If it's not ready why the hell even bother to have us come now and waste our time?"

"He was supposed to be here by now, I don't know what's keeping him."

"He?" Satan questioned. "Who is it!" Satan was pissed at this point 

"Kill," The court room was filled with whispers at the mention of my disowned triplet. 

"Alright, thats enough." I stood up. "I'm not going to sit here and wait for that ass hole to show up."

"Cipher sit down," Satan's voice boomed. "You will wait here until I say differently. And Jack," He stood up to face him. "If Kill doesn't show up soon, or if he does and doesn't have any real evidence, I'm throwing you off this council!" Jack was shaking in his seat

"Satan Sir!" I heard Kill's voice behind me. Everyone turned to face him. "I'm here, and I do have real evidence."

There stood Kill, holding a slightly beat up Pinetree, and standing next to him, was Pyronica.


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