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Bill's POV

"What?" Shootingstar's head shot up in surprise

"Theres another demon here."

"In the Fearamid?"

"I can't tell, but they're definitely close." I stood up off the bed, and Shootingstar followed me, standing close by. 

"Do, you know who it is?"

"I don't know. I'm having a hard time sensing them-" I tensed up, "It's Kill"

"Are you sure?" She looked up at me, fear written all over her face.

"Yeah," I hoped I was wrong, but I doubted that. Only a few demons could emit that much power. It's all I could sense, a large swarm of stolen power. And it definitely smelled like Kill.

"What are we going to do?" Her breathing became more rapid

"I, I dont know,"

"He's here for me," she whispered 

"No, he's here for both of us," I paused, thinking of a plan.

'Maybe I can distract him so Bill can escape,' I heard her think



"Not a chance." She looked away from me. I cupped her face and pulled it back. "Hey! Look at me. I need you to get out of this, okay," she started to tear up.

"B-Bill, what about you, I can't l-leave you," she sobbed out. 

"I know," I pulled her in close to me, knowing it might be the last time I get to hold her. "I know." I realized I was in tears at this point to. I hugged her with her head in the crook of my neck and mine resting gently atop hers. 

'I'm scared.'

"Shh, don't be scared love. Everything is going to workout, I promise. Okay?" I wanted so much to hold in my tears and be strong for her, but I couldn't and they slipped out of my eyes falling gently into her hair.

"O-okay," I pulled away.

"Alright, come on." I quickly grabbed her hand and headed towards the dungeons. I could only think of a few places she'd be safe, but the Fearamid's dungeon was really the only one. It should shield her from most attacks and if I go out to Kill, maybe he'd ignore her. Hopefully. 

We walked into the dungeons together and stood there.

"Bill?" she looked up at me


"Am I ever going to see you again," she chocked out.

"I, I Don't know," I hung my head low and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Bill, I love you,"

"I know," I tangled my hands in her hair.

"Please, just try. Try to come back to me. You're the only one I have left." I didn't respond. I just nodded. My thoughts were racing, trying to find another way out, but there was none. We were both powerless, and unless I did something, he would take us both. And I'd be dammed if I let him take her. 

'Maybe I can distract Kill and Bill can escape?'

"No Mabel!" I pulled away "Your not doing this."

"Why?" she practically screamed, making me jump. "Why are you the one going, why isn't it me! Why do you have to be the one to sacrifice! Why am I losing you!" her voice quickly changed back to a sob and her head fell on my chest.

"Because, this is my fault!" I pushed her back up so she was looking at me. Now I was the one yelling, "I kidnapped you from your family, I tortured you, I played with your emotions, I made you choose someone to kill, I kept you locked away, I got you killed for fucks sake! And then to try and fix it, I turned you into a damn demon!"


"No Mabel! Just, please," my voice softened "Just let me do this, let me make it up to you,"

"You don't have to, I already forgave you," she took my hand but I pulled it away.

"But I never forgave myself for hurting you." I turned around and walked away. "I'm so sorry,"

"I know," she whispered. "I just don't know what to do with out you,"

"You'll be fine," I tuned back around. "I promise. Just stay in the Fearamid, you'll be safe here."

"Okay. I love you,"

"I love you to." I pulled her in and pressed my lips on to hers. Knowing this would most likely be our last kiss, I made it count. Her hands were on my lower back, pulling me closer, mine were in her hair, trying to remember how soft it was, the way it always smelled like vanilla and chocolate. Trying to remember the softness of her lips, trying to remember the feel of her in my arms. I never wanted to pull away, we would have stayed like that forever, but we couldn't. I had to leave, and I would never see her again. At least she would be safe.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes, they were shining with tears, still threatening to spill. "Shootingstar, I love you." I pushed my lips on to hers, one last time, backing her towards the wall. "But you can't come with," I grabbed one of the chain cuffs on the wall and attached it to her wrist. I had heard some of her thoughts, they were choppy, but I could tell she planned to come with. I Wasn't about to let her do that.

She looked up at me, tears now spilling. "Bill no! You can't go alone," I turned around, trying to drown out her cries. "Bill, stop wait, Bill come back! Bill please, I need you. Bill, please!" Her voice faded out the further I went. I felt bad, but I knew she would try to come. I couldn't let her.

I walked out of the Fearamid, to see Kill standing outside, waiting.

"Oh, Good," he chimed with a fake smile, "Your here."

"What do you want Kill?" I walked up to him, knowing I was going to give up

"The council wants you and that pathetic mortal,"

"Alright, I'm here."

"What about her?"

"I don't know where she is," I lied. "You kidnapped her." I glared at him

"Yes I did, but it seems that she escaped, I don't know where to though. Your pathetic twin is surprisingly resistant against torture," he laughed and it took everything in me not to jump up and strangle him then and there. You fucking asshole. "So, I figured you might know where she is," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't," I said sadly

"Oh well, I'll just find her later. She can't hide forever, especially now that you're not there to protect her." I simply glared at him, keeping my mouth shut. "Well then, I think its time to go now," he smirked and pulled out a pair of demonic handcuffs. I reluctantly held out my hands for them and we imminently teleported back to the demon dimension. 

I'll try Mabel, I'll try to come back.

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