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Mabel's POV

We sat in the kitchen for a while, cleaning some of the smaller wounds that I didn't bother to heal. I finally decided I was hungry and got up to get some food. Bill told me he had to go do something so I made a sandwich by myself. It wasn't as good as the one he made me though. But, he probably used some evil demon sandwich magic or something like that. 

It was still good, but after I took a few bites, I realized I really wasn't hungry. I wrapped it up and put it in the fridge. Maybe I'd get hungry in a couple hours before Bill made me go back and train.

I was a little tired though. I thought about asking Bill to come take a nap with me. Its not like he had anything better to do. Or maybe he did? I didn't really know or care. I just wanted to cuddle up in bed with my boyfriend. Whats so wrong with that?

I walked out to the living room where I saw Bill pacing and muttering something to himself. I cleared my throat

"Bill?" His head shot up and looked at me

"Oh hey, did you eat?"

"I wasn't hungry. Whats wrong"

"Oh, I- um... nothing"

"Okay, well I can tell you're lying so" I walked over to him and looked up at him "Whats wrong?" he sighed and bit his lip. 

"Shootingstar, I really don't want to tell you right now. Just trust me, everything is going to be fine." I looked into his eyes. I could tell he was still lying but I decided to drop it, for now. 

"Well, if everything fine then you have time to come take a nap with me"

"Its two in the afternoon! Plus, I  don't think that I-"

"I really don't think time matters that much here," I argued 

"But, I have stuff to do"

"Either you come nap with me or you tell me whats going on" I didn't know which one I wanted more..., Yes I did, I wanted the nap more.

"Alright," he hugged me "Lets go," he let go and we started walking towards Bill's room. I Took off my burnt cloths from training and put on a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra. Bill also stripped down and just put on some sweats. I threw the comforter back and climbed in. Bill did to and I shifted closer to him, so that my back was against his chest. He threw his arms around my waist and pulled me in tighter. 

"Goodnight love" Bill kissed the back of my head and snapped his fingers. The room darkened and the curtains closed over the windows which blocked the afternoon sun. 


Bill's POV

Once I knew she was asleep, I jumped out of bed and walked out of the room. I needed to find Will. Something bad happened, I knew it. What if he told the council. What if Kill got him. What if he tripped on a rock and fell and died. Okay, that last one was improbable, but possible. Shit Will, where are you? Quick being in danger when I'm not there to protect you!

I tried again to locate Will, but all I got was a weak signal coming from... Jack's house? Why is he there? Whatever. I needed to go check on him. But I really didn't want to leave her alone. Each time I did, something bad happened. "Uggg" I groaned. Why is this so hard? I strengthened the protection spells around the house and checked on Shootingstar one more time. She was sleeping pretty hard. It didn't look like she was waking up anytime soon. "I love you" I whispered and as if in response, her wings twitched up and down. I smiled, and shut the door. 

I started walking towards Jacks house. I didn't know if he would be home or not, or if Will was even there. But I had to check. I knew something was up. 

I walked up to the house and knocked a couple of times, and was really surprised when Kill answered the door. 

"Bill!" he said with a strained smile "What are you doing here"

"Looking for Will" I pushed past him in to the house. Jack came out into the room

"Bill!" he smiled, showing another fake, strained smile "How nice it is to see you." Sure, I mentally rolled my eyes.

"And you, Jack," I tried so hard to not sound sarcastic, and I think I failed. 

"What can I do for you?" I heard Kill grumble something behind me and walk out of the room

"I'm looking for my brother, Will"

"Will?" he said surprised, looking nervous for a second, then quickly answering "I don't think I've seen him lately."

"Really, because I'm sensing him. In this house"

"You must be confusing it with Kill"

"Would you confuse the color red for blue?" I raised an eye brow. 

"No" Jack laughed "I guess not" he looked away nervously. You little shit head, where the hell is my brother. "well, if I do see him, I'll be sure to let you know"

"I'm sure you will"I replied, no longer trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice. Jacks expression darkened 

"Well, then you'd best be on your way."

"Alright" I glared at him "I'll show myself out" I walked out of the house, slamming the door. "Dammit" I growled. "Where is he?" I turned to walk back to my house, when I was stopped by a voice.

"Bill Cipher" God dammit Satan, give me a break

"Satan," I turned around to face him. "What can I do for you?" already having a strained smile plastered on my face from Jack's house.

"I just have some more questions about what happened with your Weirdmeggedon"

"Are you sure this can't wait" I asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice. I mean, this is Satan! I can't exactly disrespect him like I can with Jack.

"It should only take an hour. You don't have anywhere else to be, do you?"

"Actually, I was just headed home"

"And do you have anything you have to do there?" I gave a quiet grumble

"No Satan"

"Good then," he smirked. "Follow me" he turned around and started in the direction of the capital building. Sorry Shootingstar, I'll be back soon. I promise.

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