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I flew as fast as I could to the Mystery Shack. If I was lucky, the portal that Ford came through would still be up and I could use it to get through and get to Bill. 

I went through the air as fast as I could, not wanting to waste anytime. I needed to get to Bill and Will as quickly as I could. I didn't know what Kill was planning, but I could guess it was nothing good.

I was nervous about going to the Mystery Shack, but I had a simple plan that should work. Sneak in, find the portal, go in, avoid Dipper and Ford at all costs. It should work. Unless-


I hit something and fell out of the air. "Dammit!" I stood up, and looked in front of me. The shack stood there, still in shambles, but one thing was up. The unicorn force field. Shit, how the hell am I supposed to get past this. If Bill couldn't, theres no way I could. I bit my lip, thinking of a plan. When one came to mind, I couldn't help but smile. It would be pretty fun to get a little revenge. I summoned a knife and made a few cuts on my legs and arms, and messed up my hair a bit. The I dropped to the ground on my knees.

"Dipper!" I used a fake crying voice. "Please, h-help me!" I made sure to sound like I was in pain. I didn't know if he would actually come, but if he did, the rest of the plan would be a cinch. 

"D-dipper, agh, hurry, please." I heard the door being unlocked and saw Dipper walk outside.

"Mabel?" he was wide eyed standing therein the door frame

"Dipper" COUGH "Please, h-help me," I pretended to try to stand and fall back over.

"What happened?"

"B-Bill, he-he-he attacked m-me,"

"Why would he do that?" Dipper questioned, sounding suspicious. He was walking closer but not out of the field yet.

"B-because he's a demon! I- I was wrong. Please Dipper, h-help me. Your the only one who c-can."

"Ford!" Dipper yelled. Dammit, Ford would be able to see through this pathetic act.

"Agh!" I screamed, clutching my head. "Dipper hurry, he's coming back"

"Um," he looked back. I could faintly hear Ford yelling something like 'I'm coming.' He looked back at me. "Alright Mabel," he ran towards me, passing the barrier. The second he did, Ford was in view, and I jumped up, holding the knife to Dippers throat.

"Mabel, what are you-"

"Dipper, I'm here, what do you-" Ford stood in the doorway, Dippers back was to him and I was facing them both, with a knife pressed against my twins throat. 

"Hello Ford, long time. How's it been?" I smiled and glared at him with as smirk

"M-mabel," he stuttered. "What are you doing?"

"Take down the barrier."


"NOW!" I spun Dipper around so that my arm reached over him, the blade against his neck, and my other arm pined both his hands behind his back. He struggled a bit, but my demonic strength had been slowly kicking in, giving me an advantage. 

Ford fumbled with something in his pocket before pulling out a very complicated gun and pointed it at me. "Release him!" I only started at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that supposed to scare me?"

"Its a demon killer, shots laced with unicorn hair. One shot and your dead" I didn't move. I didn't flinch. I kept my gaze locked on his.

"Try me." He only started at me, dumbfounded. When his hands decided to work again, and he pulled the trigger. I quickly pushed Dipper in front of me, and the bulled went through his right shoulder.

"Ahg!" he screamed, and would have dropped to the ground if I wasn't still holding him. I smirked 

"You missed." Ford looked mortified that he just shot his own nephew. Dipper just groaned in pain.

"Mabel, please," he hissed in pain.

"Hmmm, how about no!"

"Mabel, I'm your twin-"

"Shut the hell up, your not my twin. Not anymore." I didn't know whether or not I actually meant this, but I needed to say for the plan to work.

"Mabel!" Ford yelled, getting closer the the barrier. "He's going to die,"

"Your point?" He stopped, looking shocked I would say something like that. In truth, I didn't want Dipper to die, maybe just to suffer a little bit, but not to die.

"Mabel please, what do you want?"

"Take down the barrier, then I need one more thing from you, and I'll heal him."


"Tick tock, he's bleeding out,"

"Okay, okay, just stop the bleeding,"

"After the barriers down,"

"Mabel he's"

"Hurry up, he's looking a little pale." Ford dropped the gun, and walked to the rim of the shack, bending down, he pulled a pice of the hair out and the field went down. 

I set Dipper down on the grass, and my hands started glowing golden flames. As I pressed down on the bullet hole in his shoulder, he screamed, but it was healing. I might have made it hurt on purpose. Oh shit, I'm becoming like Bill. I laughed at the thought. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

Finally, the wound healed, but he still lost a lot of blood, which now soaked your clothes.

"Eww, your bloods all over me." I snapped my fingers and changed my dress, fixed my hair, and cleaned both mine and his blood off of me. "Alright, lets go." I still held the knife to him, but more loosely, considering he was about to pass out from blood loss. I led him to the vending machine, which was already open, and Ford followed us down there. 

"What else do you want?" Ford glared at me

"I need that," I pointed to the upside down triangle portal, "To work."

"There is no way in Hell I'm opening that a second time-"

"I wonder," I pointed the knife at the top of Dippers arm, "How much blood a human can lose before dying." I slipped the knife into his skin and dragged it down his arm while he screamed.

"Okay! Mabel stop, I'll do it!" I pulled it out

"Then hurry up," I spat and Ford went to his desk, flipping through his journals. "And if you try anything funny, I'll make sure you never see Dipper again." Ford didn't reply, he was already buried in his work. I led dipper to the corner where there was a chair. I sat him down, and tied him down tightly with some loose rope I found. 


"What?" I shot back

"I-I'm sorry, for what we, for what I did." I didn't respond. I didn't have tome to forgive him, or to talk to him. Indeed to stay focused on saving Bill. "Mabel just-"

"Ford!" I cut Dipper off, not wanting to talk about that right now. "How long should this take? Like an hour maybe." He looked up at me

"No! It will take a couple days if were lucky."

"A couple days?!?" I snapped my head back to see him flipping through pages of a journal.

"Yes, what did you think I could just press a button and power it up?" he turned back to his journals.

"Well..." yeah, kind of. "Whatever you need to do, do it. Make it as quick as possible. I can help to."

"I shouldn't need it. It will take me a little bit to re-write the calculations, then it takes 24 hours to power up"

"Is there anyway to speed it up?" I asked annoyed 

"No, but if you really want to speed it up, you'll stop talking to me."

"Ugg," I groaned and pressed my back on a wall, sliding down. 

This was going to suck

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