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Mabel's POV

I looked behind me to see Kill, Pyronica, and Dipper standing there. Fuck!

"Kill," Satan boomed. "Why have you brought a human here."

"Satan," Kill laughed. "Theres so much you don't know. Please, allow me to explain."

"Not a chance!" Bill yelled as he stood up. "What the hell is she doing here?"

"I heard you've been making up lies Bill," Pyronica innocently fluttered her eyelashes. "I've jut come to clear my name."

"Satan, arrest her!" He pointed at Pyronica. "She's a traitor!"

"Kill, come to the stand and explain yourself. Aitian,"


"Go get the human and restrain him,"

"Got it." Aitian stood up and walked over to grab Dipper, who struggled, but not much.

Kill walked up to the front of the room, with Pyronica on his heals. The sight of both of them made me sick to my stomach. Both of them had hurt me, in one way or another. And both were here now to try and get me killed, along with Bill.

"Satan," Kill looked at him. "First of all, Bill's been feeding you lies this entire time. Pyronica didn't banish those demons, he did. Right after he banished her. The failure of Wierdmeggedon was his fault. Not Pyronica's. He threw her under the bus to cover himself"

"Bull Shit!" Bill yelled, making me flinch just a little. "Pyronica started an uprising and turned them all against me."

"Then why didn't you tell us this before?" Satan raised an eyebrow. Bill didn't answer. "Bill! If this is true why didn't you tell us before. Your stories aren't matching up." Satan was practically seeping with anger, which I thought probably wasn't a good thing. 

"Becaue," Pyronica spoke up. "He didn't want you to know he reason I started the uprising."

"Which was?"

"He fell in love,"

"Shut. Up." Bill seethed, trying to get her to stop 

"With a human girl." She continued and pointed at me. "That human girl." The court room erupted. Everyone was shouting at everyone, not knowing what was going on. Bill started yelling as well, trying to defend the point. The only quiet ones were Jack, Kill, and Pyronica. Their plan had worked.

"Silence!" Satan stood up and a hush fell over the court. "What do you mean."

"Satan," Kill walked towards me and grabbed my arm. "She is not a real demon." I tried to pull my arm back but he was a lot stronger then I.

"Kill shut up," Bill yelled and went to pull me back but Alentina had jumped up at in human speed, and grabbed Bill, holding him back so he couldn't get to me. 

"Mabel here was a human girl, who died, and was turned into a demon by Bill." At this point the room was in a full uproar. Bill was struggling immensely to get away from Alentina, but failing miserably as her green flames coiled around him.

"Bill! You did WHAT!" Satan boomed and the room grew quieter. I froze. All eyes were on me. And Bill looked like he was scared out of his mind.

"Satan, look I can explain," Bill tried to keep calm but his fear was showing. I glanced at Dipper who looked terrified. Shit.

"Bill," Satan stood up, looming over room, growing larger for intimidation. "There is no explanation, you know the rules! We do NOT turn humans into demons."

"Satan, please, she-"

"ENOUGH!" Bill wasn't trying to stay calm anymore, he was begging at this point.

"Satan, I know the rules, just let her go back to the human world, punish me, not her, I did it! Not her!" Bill struggled from the chains, fear written all over his face by now.

"You will both be killed imminently, and the human!" My face dropped, I looked at Bill,

"Bill," I let out a scared whisper. He looked back at me.

"No!" he screamed, getting desperate. I started at the ground. I barley noticed what else was going on. I barley noticed Jack's smirk as he sat in his chair. I didn't notice Kill's grip on my arm tighten, being smugly satisfied. I didn't notice them chaining Bill up and holding them down. I didn't notice Dippers cries and screams. I didn't notice Satan getting up and walking over to Bill to kill him.

...To kill him 

...To Kill Bill


I looked up to see Satan raising his hands for a killing blow.

"NO!" I screamed and the room erupted in golden fire shooting out uncontrollably from me. My skin returned to pitch black, and I felt energy surging through me. It was more powerful than anything I had ever felt. I started to see white and I felt my legs go weak, and my body hit the floor.

Bill's POV

"NO!" I heard Shootingstar scream. I watched her skin go pitch blank and her golden pyramid patterns shining. Then, a large wave of energy burst out of her, knocking everyone on their backs. I was a little more prepared for it because I had been taking blasts like those the entire time we were training, but it still was enough to knock me down a little. 

I quickly got back up to see Shootingstar on the ground, passed out. Most of the other demons here were either knocked out, or were slowly getting up. I knew I had limited time, and took my chance.

I ran to grab Shootingstar and picked her up. Then I ran to Pinetree who was knocked out by the blast and had a thick trail of blood from his hairline down past his cheek.

I'm sure he's fine.

Once I had them both, I snapped my fingers to use the last of what little energy I had, and teleported us somewhere safe. 

When we got there, before I could even set them down, I felt the over use of power overwhelm me, and I felt my self hit the floor, and black out.

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