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Mable's POV

I was running, but I didn't know from what. I was  going through a forest that didn't look like it  was from my dimension. Whatever was chasing me, was gaining on me. My heart was racing. I felt the branch break underneath me. the trees went by like blurs. Branches clawed at my face and ankles. I turned around and tried to stop it with my powers, but they were gone. What? I looked down and my skin was back to normal, my wings were gone, and I had no powers. I'm, not  demon? Normally I would be ecstatic about this, but now I needed to get away from what ever was chasing me.

I turned around again and kept running. Jumping over logs, dodging trees. I ran for what felt like forever, terrified of what was behind me. Then I felt something hit my back and I fell over. I rolled over and tried to stand up but something landed on top of me and pinned me to the ground. I struggled against it and tried to scream, but I couldn't. I couldn't even breath. There was a hand on my neck and another pinning down my arms. I clawed at the thing with no success. I looked up at what was attacking me... It was, me. It was me as a demon, pinning me to the ground. Eyes glowing fiercely. She pressed deeper into my throat. Deeper and deeper. Just as I felt like it was going to kill me...

"AHH" I screamed as I jolted up from bed, sweating and panting, waking up Bill, who was laying next to me. I tried to catch my breath as he asked me what was wrong. I couldn't think.

"Shootingstar, whats wrong?" he asked again. He had a fresh burn mark on his face and he looked like he was leaning cautiously away from me. No, did I do that?

"I-I-I-I" I stuttered holding in tears. I couldn't get the words out.

"Its okay" he said pulling me into a hug, letting me cry on his shoulder. I sobbed for a while trying to remind myself that I was safe, but I wasn't. What was that?  "What was what?" he asked reading my mind. I normally hate him doing that but I let it slide.

"I-it was j-just a nightmare" I spoke, barley a whisper. He looked at me with concern

"You shouldn't have had a nightmare. I was blocking your mind form dreams, its impossible"

"Well it happened!" I snapped, immediately regretted it when I saw the hurt in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I just-"

"No, its okay. I get it" he said cupping my face in his hands. he pulled me in so our foreheads were touching. "What was it about?" I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it, and he didn't push it. I looked outside, it was still dark out.

"What time is it?" He laughed

"Not morning" I glared at him and he stopped laughing  "I don't know, three, maybe four. I'm guessing you don't want to go back to sleep.

"Not really"

"Okay" he said jumping out of bed and hold his hand out for me to take it. I did, and he picked me up, arm wrapped around my waist, and flew out the window with me. We floated above the town and watched it go by. Eventually we landed in the woods, near the creek. He floated down and set me down on the flower covered grass. The sound of the rushing water of the creek was  coming through, and the moon and the stars lit up the black of the night. "Shootingstar"

"yeah?" I said turning around to him. He took my hand in his and lifted it up. I hadn't noticed that my skin had turned back to dark. I pulled away and gripped it with my other hand.

"hey, it's okay" I looked up at him. He knew I hated when this happened. I can usually control it, but the nightmare must have caused it. "You can do this" he spoke softly "Just focus on it" I looked down at my skin and concentrated. Changing it was harder then it was before, but eventually the dark started to fade and my normal color returned. "See, you can do it" I looked up and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I guess I can." He took my hand in his and we walked along the side of the creek in silence. The sound of the water filling the quiet.  looked over at him and saw the burn marks again. "Bill, I'm really sorry about that"

"Its fine. I understand." I knew he'd forgive me, but I didn't forgive myself. I hated hurting him and not being able to control my powers.

As we walked, my thoughts drifted back to my nightmare. What did it mean? And how come Bill couldn't stop it? Dammit I can't wait until I didn't need to sleep. It would make things a lot easier. I ended up getting lost in my thoughts for a while.

"Shootingstar?" he asked pulling me out of thought

"Yes?" I answered looking up at him

"What was your nightmare about" I looked away, not wanting to talk about it. "Shootingstar, I know you don't want to talk about this, but we have to. If I couldn't stop it, this could be a whole new set of problems" I started to tear up, but didn't cry. I was sick of crying. He stopped walking and pulled me in so I was looking at him "Mable?" he asked. I looked into his eyes. His beautiful golden eyes.

"It- It was my demon self, attacking me. But I wasn't a demon. I was just, me"

"You're demon self attacking your human self" he asked calmly. I couldn't read his emotions.

"Yeah, I was running from her and she attacked me"

"You were looking through the eyes of your human self?"

"yes." He sighed.

"It wasn't your demon self attacking you, it was you attacking your human self." I looked at him, confused and slightly irritated.

"But I was-"

"I know in the dream you were looking through the eyes of your human self, but thats not you. thats what you want to be. You are a demon now. Not a human" I started to tear up and pull away from his hands. I turned around and walked over to the creek, looking at my reflection in the water. I am a demon.

"Why couldn't you sense the nightmare?"

"Because it wasn't a nightmare. It was your powers battling for dominance in your mind over your mortality." he walked over to me and sat down on the grass "You need to control this, okay?"

"Okay" I stated blankly. I new I needed to, but I almost didn't want to. I just wanted to be normal. But that would never happen.

Bill's POV

"You need to control this, okay" I went to sit down on the grass next to her and she sat with me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Okay" she responded with a tired voice. Not long after, she fell asleep on me. I watched the creek for a while, the nightmare she had was bad. I didn't tell her how bad it actually was so she wouldn't panic, but it was worse then I originally thought. She was fighting being a demon so much that her mind was spitting in half. Her human self and her demonic self would grow more separate, until one took full control, or it killed her. And any of those options were bad. If her demon self took control, she wouldn't be herself anymore. She'd be more insane then me. If her human self took over, she'd lose her demonic side and die. Uggg dammit. 

I picked her up and flew us back to the fearamid. When I got in I set her on the bed and went to make breakfast. It would be morning soon and she'd be hungry. Maybe I should take her to see Dipper when she wakes up. I didn't know if it was the best idea though. Considering the 'nightmare' she had. It might bring out her human self to much. But it also might give her more balance. Uggggg why is this so complicated!

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