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Bill's POV

I opened my eyes, unaware of where I had sent myself. Or how long I was out. Or where my Shootingstar was. 

I dizzily stood up and looked around. I was in... the Fearamid? Wait, was this-  I ran over to a window and looked out side. "Holy shit, I'm in the mortal dimension!" I hadn't meant to come here, it must of been an unconscious decision, somewhere I knew Kill wouldn't sense me. "Mabel," I breathed. She's alone back there and I don't have enough power to get back to her. 

"FUCK!" I screamed and punched through the window, cutting my hand open in several places and sending glass flying. "Agh, God dammit Cipher, how did that help?" Once I was done scolding myself, I wrapped my hand in a cloth and stoped the bleeding. It should heal relatively soon though. 

I walked around the Fearamid, I was in the throne room, which was in shambles from the demons uprising. Then I walked through the hallway, which was in shambles from Shootingstar learning her powers. Then I walked up to my room, which was the one place not in shambles. When I walked up there, the first thing I saw was Mabel's dress, the first one I had given her. "Mabel," I choked out. I dropped the cloth covering my hand, not caring about the blood anymore. I backed up in to the door, and slid down on the door, brining my kneed up to my chest, and wrapping my bloodied hand and mother hand around them.

Then I started to cry.

It was weird, I couldn't remember the last time I cried, besides when she died. I don't think I ever did. In the trillions of years that I have been alive, I could not remember a single time that I have cried, that did not involve her. They took her, and I can't save her.

Mabel was gone. Will was gone. And I had no way to get to them. Kill had drained most, if not all of my power in the fight. No, he didn't drain it, he took it. That bastard! I continued to sob, realizing I had no way to get back to her, they are going to kill her if they find out what she is. If they haven't already, If she is even still- I chocked back another sob, not wanting to think about that. 

It was almost pitiful, me, Bill Cipher, Dream Demon, feared by all who know him, was sitting on the floor of his room, crying his eyes out. Honestly though, at that point I couldn't care less who saw me. I didn't care what else happened, i just wanted her back, safe in my arms. I wanted to hold here, to inhale her scent, to kiss her, to love her, to tell her 'I will always protect you.' But I couldn't. I had no way to get to her.

I sat there and cried for maybe an hour or two, there was nothing I could do. It was terrible. I kept trying to think of new plans, but none of them would work without my powers. "God dammit Kill, if I ever see you again I'm going to-" *CRASH* I jerked my head up.

I heard something shatter downstairs. Kill? He followed me? Fuck, I'm going to strangle the life out of him when I see him!

I shot up, and bolted down to where I heard the crash. Blue flames ready in my hand, I didn't care if I was weak, Kill would pay! I turned the corner and fired a shot at the demon standing there, ready to fight.

Mabel's POV

I crashed in the Fearamid, since Will told me I could be safe here. I hoped he was right. I stood up, realizing I landed on the broken shards of a window. Probably broken from the fight or something. I was cut up from it, but it wasn't to bad. I stood up and saw that I was in the throne room. I looked around, then I heard something coming from the hall. Shit, who's here?  I readied a weak golden flame in my hands for whoever was there. The footsteps grew louder, and louder until a figure appeared from the hall way.

"Bill?" I let my flames die out, but he fired a shot at me which I quickly dodged. "Bill! Stop, its me!" He fired one more shot which hit me in the arm.

"Ahg," it knocked me to the ground.I looked up at Bill to see the rage written on his face quickly turned into guilt.

"Oh my god, Shootingstar, I'm so sorry," he ran over to me and picked me up in a hug. "Holy shit, your okay, your okay," he burned his face in my chest and started to cry. From the sounds of it, it sounded like he had been crying. I hugged back tightly. "You're here."

"Its okay, I'm okay." We didn't let go, we just stood there, hugging. "Bill?" He hummed into my chest in reply. "Why, why did, I mean, Kill, he-" Bill's head shot up

"Kill! Did he hurt you?" He cupped his hands around my face.

"N-no, I'm fine Bill, really." I put my hands over his. "I just, he said he was going to kill you, and, and," I started to cry and he held me again, this time with my head in his chest. 

"It's okay Shootingstar, you're safe now, I promise. You' re safe."

"Bill," I chocked out, "Please don't leave me."

"I won't."


"Promise." With that, he picked me up and carried me to our old room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close, not wanting to ever let go.

When we got there, we just laid down on the bed next to each other. I pushed my face into his chest while he rested his chin on my head. His arms wrapped around the small of my back, pulling me closer as if something would take me away.

"Bill," I spoke into his chest. "What's going to happen?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. You're safe and that's what matters."

"But what about Will, he's still there and he-he-he," I started to cry into him and half hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey, just breath." My breathes lessens and my cries where softer, but still present. "We will get Will back, okay. But right now, I don't have a lot of power. What about you?" I shook my head

"I think Kill took it."

"Dick head," Bill huffed under his breath. "We'll find a way," he pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes, "Okay?" I sniffed, then put on a smile.

"Okay." We sat up, still hugging, before he puled me into a deep kiss. Those same soft, warm lips, filling my body with an electric, indescribable feeling. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, not wanting to ever let go of him. I just wanted to be with him. Only him. Somewhere safe, and leave everything else behind. 

He pulled back out of the kiss. I looked up at him, expecting to see his warm smile, but instead he was looking away, concern written all over his face.

"Bill, what's wr-"

"Shhh!" he kept his focus on whatever it was, and I felt something inside me tingle, like I could sense something, or someone. "Do you feel that?" he looked back at me.

"Y-yeah. I think? What is it."

"There's another demon here."

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