1. When You Meet

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Living your life as a missing-nin from The Hidden Cloud was rather difficult. You have to stay aware of your surroundings to avoid meeting with ninjas from your village. You were currently residing in The Hidden Rain, which was miles away from The Hidden Cloud.

You decided to train in a secluded area near the village since you had nothing to do. You dropped your bag beside a huge boulder and started practicing your new jutsu.

"What are you doing here?", A deep voice grumbled.

You jumped with fright upon hearing the voice. You halted your training and scrutinized the man who interrupted you. He had flaming orange hair and his pale white skin was covered in numerous piercings.

"I just asked what you were doing here. Who are you?", He asked in a demanding voice.

"My name is Y/N.", You spoke. He had a dirty look on his face and kept glancing at the huge boulder from time to time.

He arched an eyebrow, "The Hidden Cloud's missing-nin?", he questioned.

"Yes, I am. Now that I've introduced myself, Would you mind telling me yours?"

He let out a deep chuckle before responding to your question, "I see that you aren't scared of me, Y/N.", He paused, "I am Pein."

He glared at you and that's when you realized that his eyes weren't normal. He possesses the Rinnegan. You felt quite intimidated so you ambled towards the boulder and picked up your bag.

"Well, Pein. It seems like you have business in this area.", You uttered as you wore your bag. "But I'll be coming back to this place more often to train."

You sauntered away from the area, leaving Pein. You had no idea why he was there since no one really goes there. Maybe he was hiding something.


You've been studying Puppetry for years now since it piqued your interest. It was satisfying and beautiful to see puppets move around. You've been making a few of your own, however, you were still having a hard time.

"I lack a lot of missing parts.", You said to no one in particular.

You went to an old warehouse that used to sell puppet parts and materials. No one really goes there anymore but since there was an abundance of puppet parts in there, you visited the place often.

As you were gathering the parts you needed, you only had one missing item left which was placed on top of a high shelf.

"I hate being short!", You fumed, not appreciating your small stature. You climbed up the shelf to retrieve the missing item you needed, "Almost there.", You mumbled to yourself.

Just when you grabbed it, you fell off the shelf. Your eyes were shut tightly, expecting the fall to hurt. When you opened your eyes, there was another pair of eyes staring back at you.

"I was looking for puppet parts not a clumsy girl.", He groaned as threw you at the side.

You winced in pain, rubbing the spot where you landed. What a jerk! You gave him a light tap on his shoulder and as soon he turned around, you countered a strong punch right at his face.

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