18. When You Realize That You Like Him

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For some reason, seeing Pein makes your heart pound against your chest and you had no idea why. You were in bed, thinking of a reason why you feel that way towards him.

Maybe because he's been smiling more often, which was a rare sight. That's probably the reason why. Images of him smiling started recurring in your mind as a deep red blush made its way to your cheeks.

"No!", You shouted as you slapped your cheeks, hoping that you'd snap out of it. You placed your hands back to your sides and sighed, "Maybe a glass of water could help me."

You stood up from the bed and walked to the kitchen to drink a tall glass of water. Surprisingly, Pein was in there as well. As soon as your eyes landed on him, you quickly spun around but, to your dismay, he somehow felt your presence.

"Y/N.", He called out to you.

Disobeying the leader could stir up problems so being the good follower you are, you slowly walked over to him with your head hanging low, hoping that he wouldn't see your rosy features.

"Yes, leader?", You spoke softly.

He slightly arched an eyebrow, wondering why you're being formal with him. "No one is here right now, you can call me by my name.", he replied.

You took a quick glance at him and that's when you felt your pulse quickening once more. He was smiling at you. Out of nowhere, you started to have a coughing fit.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?", He asked worriedly while rubbing your back.

Leaders should be looking out and taking care of their followers and you're glad that Pein is actually a great one. However, the way he treats you feels so different compared to the other members. He isn't afraid to show his soft and affectionate side to you. In fact, right now, he's getting worried.

After a few minutes, you looked at him one more time and said, "Why are you being like this this?"

Confusion was written all over Pein's face. He didn't really understand what you said which is why he asked, "What do you mean by that, Y/N?"

All you could do was stare at the ground while your heart was racing faster than a sports car. It's official, you finally have feelings for the Akatsuki Leader.


After giving the miniature puppet to Sasori, you didn't expect him to give you a similar gift. In your right hand, you gazed at the dainty puppet. It shares the similar facial features with you from head to toe.

"That's so cute of him to return the little gift I made for him.", You mumbled, a small smile forming on your face.

You stood up and placed the wooden doll on your mirror so you could see it everyday. A huge smile immediately made its way on your face upon seeing it. It's perfect.

Since you had nothing to do and Sasori was doing a quick errand for the leader, you decided to take a casual stroll outside. As soon as you opened the door to your room, you noticed the door of the room in front yours was ajar.

"That's Sasori's room, right?", You wondered. Instead of closing it, being the curious person you are, you walked into his room. His room doesn't look exactly clean right now, he was probably in a rush this morning.

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