9. When He Ruins Your Date [Part Two]

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He immediately pulled you towards him and wrapped you in his arms. It's been a long time since you've been hugged. He brought you to an area with less people in it so people wouldn't see you.

"I'm so glad to see you.", He whispered, still hugging you.

You cried onto his chest, feeling really happy to see him again. He lets go of the hug and wipes away your tear with his thumb.

"You don't need to cry, Y/N.", He said with a smile.

You calmed down and wiped away your tears, "How are you, Hisato?", You asked.

It was really nostalgic to see him once again. Everyone in the village treated you horribly, but he was courageous enough to approach and become friends with you despite what happened.

Before Hisato could answer your question, You heard a person yell from afar.


The huge force pushed Hisato away, making him hit a concrete wall. You ran to him and noticed that he was unconscious. A shadow casted in front you so you looked up to see who it was.

"Pein! Why did you do that?", You shouted angrily as you hugged Hisato.

He didn't like what he was seeing, his stare felt like he was sending daggers, "He made you cry.", He answered coldly.

Without hesitation, You gave a swift punch right at his face. He held his cheek and noticed you crying.

"Fucking bastard!", You yelled, "You didn't have to do that."

You took your friend to the hospital and left Pein, totally not caring if he'll kick you out of Akatsuki.


As you and Sakuya did some catching up, his eye caught something that piqued his interest.

"Hey look! It's a puppet.", He approached the puppet and picked it up, "What's a puppet doing here?"

You tried examining the puppet since it looked familiar. Your eyes grew wide when you saw a scorpion engraved on the puppets arm.

"Sakuya, Don't y-", Before you could finish your sentence, Purple smoke was released from the puppet. You held your breath, trying not to inhale the gas.

Once the smoke faded, your friend was lying unconscious on the the ground. You tried waking him up but it was no use.

You heard footsteps going in your direction so you looked up, "Oh, this is where it was.", Sasori uttered, picking up his puppet.

"This was your plan!", You seethed.

"So what if it was?", He countered, giving you a menacing look.

"Don't even bother talking to me.", You said as you walked away, carrying your friend.


Knock Knock Knock

"I'm coming!", You screamed.

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